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Destiny Item Manager (Good For Leveling & Moving Gear) –
In this video I go over 5 tips every new or returning player to Destiny 2 should know! This video and the information was made during Season 12/Beyond Light/Season of the Hunt! In the video I explain How Leveling Working and How To Level Up Fast in Destiny 2 Beyond Light! I also explain Armor Stats for Warlocks, Titans, and Hunters! Along with showing what stats to try and find High Stat Armor for in Destiny 2 Beyond Light! I go over how to make a Loadout in Destiny 2/what makes a Best Loadout for Destiny 2 Beyond Light! I also go over How to Get Exotics For New Players! I explain How To Get Exotic Armor and How To Get Exotic Weapons! I also explain What Are God Roll Weapons in Destiny 2! This is a Beginner Guide For Destiny 2 in 2021! These are Tips & Tricks For New Destiny 2 Players In 2021! Enjoy and don’t forget to share this video with your blueberry friends!
#Destiny2 #GuideForBeginners #GuideForReturningPlayers
0:00 – Intro
00:59 – Expansions/DLC Explained
3:07 – Leveling Explained/How To Level Up
9:35 – Armor Stats/What To Stat Into Depending On Class
11:54 – Correct Weapons To Use/The Basics Of Creating A Loadout
13:15 – Exotics/How To Get Them
16:44 – Most Important Of All…
17:31 – More Information/Outro
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I just put on the best looking armor and weapons I like to use the most.
"Now, the best way to get godrolls is to drink gfuel" im dying
Don’t you have to pay the DLCs to get something good?
ah i see. lmao
Does anyone else hear pain in his voice when explaining how to get better gear?
I have 2 exotics. A bow that has homing projectiles and a electrical gun
My problem with destiny is none of these things you explain. I feel like there's a lot of secrets that you have to know to get the good stuff not to mention if you're playing by yourself you won't for very long lol this game is meant to be played with at least 3 people , six if you really want to have fun in raids
This video sucks and you don't even explain anything all the way through even though you take forever to explain each nonsense topic. Only useful thing out of this video was not to get overwhelmed because it's a big game. You're like, "this is a god roll lmao buy g-fuel" well new players don't even know what to add to their weapons and what these "rolls" are
What the hell do I do with these umbral engrams I've got?!
Thanks for this vid iv now just returned to destiny 2 and this vid is very helpful thanks
Does anyone know what handcannon that is??
i was playing when cap was on 750 and now idk how to return to this game xD
Sad red war is gone and I just started a new Titan account so now I don’t have a story
Haven't played since 2017 😬
jesus, do you have the jump disease?
I stopped playing destiny because of the toxicity, no multiplayer, and the curse if forever having to grind or else you'll get behind
don't listen to theses guides just play d1 is my home literally play and experience the game
not my year 1 d1 is true year 1
I was a day 1 D1 player. I stopped playing when the taken king dlc released. I put so much time into that game only to find out everything I did meant nothing. Not to mention the obvious money grabber tactics. I was thinking about getting into D2 after hearing bungle was no longer under activisions thumb, but it appears they’re still heavy with the monetization. Hopefully outriders can deliver on the promising demo. Enjoy d2 if that’s your thing.
I have never done a raid since I started destiny 2. And I just want to know what is the best clan to join to do raid??? This is my gamer name T2GO_HAWKBOIYT
This was the first game I ever had on my Xbox 360, and it's crazy to see the evolution of the game🤩🤩
I’m a d1 vet that played religiously all the way to 2019, never played shadowkeep. Everything is so confusing now, what’s all this new story changing shit, d1 opening is now in d2 and the story got vaulted? This shit is hella confusing
I played back in year 1 and 2 but once forsaken was announced and it became free to play I stopped playing until about 2 weeks ago I started playing again because I saw it was on gamepasd with all dlc alot better now but I wish I could go back to the planets that were removed
I need to watch this video three more times and I should be up to speed. Thank you!
In the thumbnail what is the armor on the right called? It looks really cool and I want to obtain it
who else plays on steam?
Best guide to clear a ton of questions! Thank you..
I'm a retired year 1-3 player and damn tht new dlc is interesting
I played the first year up until forsaken I didn’t have the money so I kinda just gave up and all my old raid mates don’t play anymore so idk if it’s gonna be easy to start again