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Today we’ll be reviewing Crimson & Last Word in this new sandbox. A significant range bump was included for Hand Cannons, and some visible changes are noticeable on Crimson where some unnoticeable ones were included for Last Word.
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Good to be back!! 😀
Edit: if you are looking for more representation of how good Last Word, refer to this link here:
if last word and crimson get to be this good on controller then they should be just as good on MnK as well. Change my mind.
if only they were good on something that you know actually took aiming
I know it's hard to balance it, but I really wish those two weapons could become USEABLE on m&k.
Both were my favorites, pve (crimson) and pvp.
Crimson with foetracer, hand cannon targeting, and max reselience is freaking broken on console . Its almost too easy now. Been using crimson religiously since before shadowkeep. Kind of hate thats its meta now. In all my 7 years in this series i stray away from meta. Crimson and foe tracer max res had this weird pattern pre beyond light where i won EVERY gunfight vs a 600 rpm auto. This beyond light buff just lets us finally fight on long range. Crimson's biggest secret next to foe tracer is HEAVY strafing.
I just wanna use LW and crimson on MnK 🙁
goddamn it Fathercross why are you making videos on Crimson? I hate you, I didn't want anyone to know how cracked Crimson is and has been and you decide to start spamming Crimson videos. Not only that, you encouraged people to use sidearms on both PC and Console. Drang reigned supreme in Trials ever since you dropped that sidearm video on console. And its all YOUR fault. Why cant you let guns just be underground meta? Fuckk… dude. Love the combo video's tho keep them up.
Those ghost bullets are the bullets from no time to explain
Kinda worried about the fov slider on console cuz doesnt that increase ur speed which basically means all ps5 players are now faster than ps4…
Stop it! Its a secret for us controller bois
For me Last Word is a hunter only weapon, due to its small magazin and long loading animation. To often have i died to the second opponent because i only had 4 bullets left, mist one crit and hit the wall with one inbetween.
ugh i am so sick of the handcannon meta.
Crimson is so good this season, last season auto rifles were too strong but this season crimson is my go to hand cannon with over 19,000 kills. Mostly crucible kills. And I got a brand new Xbox x yesterday so I’m all good.
Have you used ace on controller? There are some bugs where literally an enemies turn the corner and you can still shoot them with it
Last Word has been like this atleast since Trials came back
Last night I was popping off with last word and checked for a last word cross video, was suprised there wasn't one.. opened up YT today & boom
2:14 Sorry but controller on PC aims for you PERIOD
I fought in 3 wars (seasons), using the last word, auto rifle meta in trials gives me PTSD
I like how I can tell your inbox just because of how much of your arms I can see, and controller on pc is much different than controller on console. A lot more aim assist.
Can you do a review on sunshot in this meta cause it’s in a weird spot like I feel like it should be meta but it’s not
I wish you hadn’t told me about the no range buff. Bc I had been taking people out way longer than I Should have
Why hasn't nobody talk about malfeasance???
Oh we're beyond cheesy, no doubting that
Thank you for mentioning last words ghost bullets. It still happens. Just not nearly as often.
You’re better off using a sidearm than Last Word. More versatility, don’t need to waste an exotic slot.
"Still feels like booty cheese" 😅😂👍🏻
LW is forreal easy cheesy tho
last word is and always will be great on console. Crimson has crazy recoil tho or I'm just bad at controlling it 🙃
I have played on ps for most of my life and I started to play d2 when tlw came out and I would always aim with it even though it's not really ment to be used that way I still ads with it and it still feels good to aim with
What is a gun I can use against bastion/ felwinter users?