CONSTANT GRENADES + BARRICADES! NEW Stasis Titan Build in Destiny 2 Beyond Light!

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FOR TODAY’S VIDEO, our build revolves around the trusty little Khepri’s Horn. With this “build” we have constant grenades + constant barricades and it’s ad clear is FAR better than I initially thought it would be. It’s more so a fun build rather than an amazing top tier build, but it’s still able to be used for end game content AND it’s something NEW. Not the same old build and stasis builds we’ve been seeing in Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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Song – Pokémon Lofi Music ~ 1 Hour Mix (Pokémon League Theme from “Pokémon Diamond and Pearl”) –


9 thoughts on “CONSTANT GRENADES + BARRICADES! NEW Stasis Titan Build in Destiny 2 Beyond Light!”

  1. trying to use something a little different than normal today, so bear with me lol. It's a good and fun build that CAN be used in end game content if used smart, but it definitely isn't the solar titan build. If you have any questions about the build and just any questions in general, then feel free to ask!

  2. I used a similar build, but with sunshot (that charged the barrier very quickly), during the beyond light quest. It was particularly hilarious when you get supercharged with stasis during bosses, I practically spammed the barrier.
    You can adds the mods in helmets that gives you super when you cast the class ability, and the one that gives grenades energy in the class item.
    Also, in my experience the sweet spot for discipline is 6 in stasis, but that's just personal preference.
    Nice build man, gotta revisit it.

  3. you might be able to do the same with vesper or radians on warlock (have not tried) and another simple build: try using (on any class this works) eyes of tomorrow, blast radius, argent ordnance and spoils of war (from artifact). you should always have heavy ammo and the damage boost since eyes of tomorrow can take multiple targets at once


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