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Best. Name. EVER!!!!! Today we combine a top tier exotic with our Behemoth Titan subclass, to create the new build Heart of Darkness. Enjoy!
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Yall sexy
Edit: I'm being told my man Sheikh dropped this build first, so please go check out his video when you can!
Edit2: for those that find the melee whiffs or the super light attack whiffs, make sure to hold your melee button down and let go as you come within proximity of your desired target. It will then lock on.
Been rocking this build whole season. Also superb with other classes. Bis in pve and almost at par with OEM in pvp, depends on your playstyle. Slap in Radiant light and demolitionist weapon and you have almost instant grenades. If combined with Code of the Siegebreaker solar class, you will be spamming those grenades out in 5-10 sec. If you stick the grenade it can oneshot. Also note that if you are sweaty pvp god you can start the round with The Armamentarium and spam out 2 glacier grenades in the start and then continue with the heart of inmost light.
Whispers in PVE: martyrs retribution with auto loading & demo👀
After watching hunters drewsky dunk on me all week: "OK my turn"
You're the son of Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart? Slap ya mama like yo daddy taught ya right X-p
He said stomp ees SUDDENLY became top tier come on cross
I need your "HAAAAHHH!!??" as a ring tone.
"I-I just dont know. I just know people died, like that's all I can tell you. People died and they died very quickly" – LOL, why does this sound like some survivor describing the 'collapse' at the end of the golden age?
Been using this exotic on behemoth for over a week now. 80 resilience, 60 recovery, 90 discipline and strength. Feels good!
This build doesn't seem nowhere near as broken as the Hunter and Warlock build
Someone try this with a weapon with wellspring, or demolitionist. You’d literary have all your ability’s in every engagement.
I use Armamentarium also for the double grenade and thought the Heart was good with behemoth, now I'll give it a chance
So what I am noticing from this video is that the duration on this super needs a nerf, just like warlocks did. The mobility is easily much higher than the Warlock's alolwing for more kills in a shorter time, which is fine, but if thats the case the duration needs a slight nerf to balance it out.
noooo you leaked this build….. been using it every since release it’s insane
This is cool but have you ever popped your icefall mantle and out punched a shotgun ape.
You late lol I started when cammy said something about it
Don’t buff the melee damage. I just want some melee energy back on a miss
Notice how cross AGAIN called for stasis warlocks and in a way even stasis hunters to be nerfed in his previous 2 vids, but called the behemoth simply fun to play and didnt evet argue against a behemoth melee buff in this one.
Cross, i like u man, but u ARE, ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL BE biased towards titans in ur reviews and opinions on nerfs and buffs. And that's just annoying.
Could he have called it “The Black Heart?” 🤔 heart of darkness is cool but also a reference in the other one
Just saying this build is literally ‘which one of you dead fucks stole my crayons’ -the build.
I love using this build
Went the other way around stats wise. 60 mob, 40 res, 70 recov, 90 dis, 50 int, 80 strength.
Litterly have 1 of the 2 offensive abilities going in ANY engagement. The barricade is just the cherry on top of the cake. 💪😆
Been using this build for a little bit now, so damn fun
in areas that have open ceilings, you can use the Icewall nade as a super jump boost by tossing it at your feet and jumping at the same time, can also be used to catch people off guard before or even during a gun fight
Say what you want about eye of another world is actual pretty decent of a exotic at least a good exotic the min-max with, it gives you a additional 30 discipline, 30 strength, and reduces your rift by the same (it doesn’t give you 30 recover, but gives you the time off you would get for it) and this can go beyond tier 10 if I remember the number at least for the rift at tier 10 you get your rift back in 59 seconds with this exotic you get it back in 39 if I’m remembering the numbers correctly I know Mtash did a video over it, yes it’s not that good by itself, but it does help give you back your abilities back faster
You stole this off Destiny fun police
Going on a new diet Aztecross. Dark blue crayons only.
The movement is amazing on Titan now, the Super however is F**king awful!
why do titans hold 3 aspects, warlocks hold 4, and hunters hold 2? How is that even fair?
Destinyfunpolice has already done this before nice to see more ppl r seeing this build tho
I think the melee buff is not for damage but hit registration
Heart of Darkness is also the name of a book I had to cover back in gcse. Was a good read.
Literally always use this exotic it’s so underrated imo
Please do the vesper of darkness for Pve
That gameplay…holy shit!
Been using heart of inmost since Beyond light dropped.
Feeding the algorithm via likes/sub/bell/etc, keep it up 😁.
PSA: make a hotkey to help for free👌
I love my Titan, I would say I play Titan the most, but I am STRUGGLING to come up with decent builds for pvp and 1280 lost sectors. This is helpful though cheers dude!