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first real attempt at doing something like this, I honestly couldn’t find much that wasn’t really straight forward
i stream on twitch which is where a lot of my content comes from, want to be apart of it and support me more? come follow:
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outtro song: Adalix – Human (
Something something something cringe
Pog u
2 videos in one day? thank you swag daddy deluxe
Good shit sidezz!
this was also a fool's remedy not a dead man walking but i really don't want to remake the thumbnail
The breakdown and thought process is honestly the best content imo
Cmon you’re not gonna stop complaining about your teammates, let’s just be honest. Some of these people just have no idea what’s going on. Keep doing what you do.
Great video man. Keep up the good work 🖤💙
"I don't care. Well, actually I do, I don't know why I said that,"
Seriously, you're honest to a fault and it cracks me up.
Also wanted to say I'm impressed with how much better you've gotten with your commentaries. I enjoyed your old ones, but you've really improved at communicating your thought process and decision making in an enjoyable, concise manner.
yo. i really am enjoying these btw. keep it up
Trials/Comp breakdowns would be great! Anything 3v3 or even 1v1. Obv most of what you go over in vids like these is transferable, but I'm just saying this as someone who'd probably really enjoy a commentary from you like that, just to see how you approach it.
all should aspire to be a frag daddy deluxe
Love the vid keep it up
urm.. anime
bomb shotgun kittens member
Interactions with a specific player: A Movie
Intro/Exposition: 1:18 Chaining the Iceflare from Penumbral Blast for Hedrons into a dazzling creature hungry for Green ammo.
Chapter 1: 1:32 Cleaning up the unknown variable, getting more information, filling out the profile on what kind of specimen we are dealing with.
Chapter 2: 2:12 After a trivial three-sixty mctwist with Tomorrow's Answer, Protagonist is applying mild suppressive fire while attempting to reposition but is met by a familiar figure, whom we now know is an Ammovore. Protagonist is shot point blank, and the suspect continues to run about, lightweight special weapon in hand.
Chapter 3 (Rising Action): 3:09 After successfully landing a coldsnap for a Hedrons buff to be used in the immediate future, Protagonist Vanishes in Smoke and receives haste; Immediately upon doing so, the AMMOVORE is seen rushing toward Protagonist, completely unaware that there is absolutely anyone in front of him and gets vaporized while trying to salvage his life with one more special weapon kill.
Chapter 4: 4:09 While carrying Winter's Wrath deep into enemy territory, Protagonist is seen being idolized ingame by an enemy. A very familiar enemy. It's the AMMOVORE. Trailing every single footstep headstrong, doing nothing to stop the pandemonium. The Ammovore offers his life up to the protagonist. Perhaps this is the turning point?
Chapter 5: 4:38 The ammovore catches the wind before any of his teammates do. He sensed the hard flank from the enemy, but he could not fathom the enemy being on a higher plane (literally) than he is. He looks up to the Protagonist, lets him land honorably, then as a show of pure combat prowess, he then engages a completely new target with his signature move: Point Blank Shotgun Melee. He fails miserably, Protagonist cleans the kill up.
Chapter 6: 5:02 After setting down the rift to assist the defense of B flag, Protagonist peeks right, and sees a familiar figure. A specific figure, who seems to have gone to the school of Grand Theft Auto IV, as his serpentine dash is far superior than anyone elses in game. Alas, he is met with a similar fate.
Chapter 7, THE CLIMAX: 5:25 The protagonist flies toward C flag to keep momentum and is brought to a full stop by A FAMILIAR FIGURE using a weapon unlike the ones in his mainland. one that takes WHITE AMMO. This revelation unravels the scale of history. He still dies though we knew that.
Chapter 8: 5:45 Here we are met with a terrible juxtaposition: The familiar figure casts his super. Instead of being swarmed with praise by the protagonist, the protagonist makes his way to the very location that hard counters the ammovore's super. Unfortunately, there was no connection to be made.
Chapter 9: 7:15 After nabbing the We Ran after a coldsnap/iceflare double, a familiar figure BOLTS from the corner and dashes toward Protagonist engaging him in battle. Protagonist reaches for the claymore and slashes downward, encapsulating the familiar figure in manure, and sending him out to pasture.
Chapter 10: 7:49 After using the super expecting more people to head toward C, He catches a glimpse of his next combatant: A familiar figure, wielding a familiar weapon and a familiar plan. The familiar figure bolts from a familiar hall, and receives a familiar fate.
Chapter 11: 8:00 After pulling heavy, Protagonist finds random red person to use it on, but as fate would have it, it divined us with a familiar figure, who hasnt learned a familiar lesson, wielding a familiar weapon and a familiar plan. And in this time, it would not have been his fault, had he not chosen to use his primary ammo in a time where he is facing a VOID ROCKET FLYING TOWARD HIM AT HIGH SPEED! He had the notion to dispense honor unlike the honor of his mainland, but the notion had been rejected.
Chapter 12: 8:34 This moment speaks volumes to the consumer. Protagonist wastes coldsnap grenade, and the ammovore notices. He turns around and decides: THIS, is how I will pay my respect. He seeks the coldsnap out, and accepts his fate. Truly noble.
Chapter 13, the Falling Action: 9:18 We have identified the familiar figure's "Primary" weapon: A 120RPM Hand Cannon. We can clearly gather that he has swashbuckler on it, but it ran out after the first shot on Protagonist. He DASHES toward the protagonist with a familiar weapon in hand, but Protagonist is cleaned up by an extraneous force. The ammovore then takes the fight to the next person with his signature move, "Point Blank Shotgun Melee then respawn with more green ammo" and succeeds!
Chapter 14: 9:46 After killing the unaware Titan, Protagonist takes the slow reload for kill clip, and is met by a raging bull. The same raging bull all match: THE AMMOVORE! He pellets the bolstering special ammo savant, but is met with no success. Protagonist decides to take them head on, and melees them. THE TWO FORCES CLASH-but the familiar figure cannot comprehend anyone that is not in front of him and takes the fight with someone else and does his siiiignature move "point blank shotty melee respawn"
Chapter 15, the resolution: 11:11 The results are staggering. the familiar figure is atop his team, hard carrying with his paramount Point blank shotgun melee respawn technique. Makes sense that his mainland clan is [what it is], it tells us the entire story in three simple letters.
Thank you for watching.
Really good to see your channel growing man
Lol xBio must be raging from just watching this vid since he always complains about cold denial 😂😂
I’m looking forward to some comp or trials commentary from our favorite warlock
"Nothing too crazy, except that I get like a 7th column or something" LOLS
Voidshotgun TTV: “Hi mum!”
Great video
Please break down some trials. I can go 35 defeats with a 4.0 all day (I know thats nothing special but its decent) but then Trials has been brutal.
God damn that's the sexiest cold denial I ever saw, what's the shader?
I like this. It's a genuinely better take in my opinion.
BSK yikessssssss
Amazing video man. Quickly becoming one of my favourite channels. Would you say looking over you're own games as you did here, is beneficial for improvement?
Look forward to your content dude. Always a blast. Need Merch!
5:19 "textbook team shooting" as his teammate is shooting him
Good shit bro.. Honestly I think my biggest problem – is being over aggressive – sometimes rushing in too crazy. When the smart play is back off a bit I always enjoy W key baby!!
Honestly, watchin you play for awhile now had me applying how you ingage fights in my own gameplay and two days ago I finally achieved my first 50 bomb.
Unique content, i would encrypt this video right now before content creators catch on and take ur idea!😊
I ain’t no Special Weapon Samantha,
I’m a Frag Daddy Deluxe for sure