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In this video I have a discussion about the balancing of 120 RPM hand cannons, what makes them feel as strong as they are, their shortcomings, and what makes them the meta options they are in Destiny 2 Beyond Light.
This might seem like a simple answer, but I think the balancing of 120 RPM Hand Cannons is a complex one with so many interesting factors to discuss. There was so much to say, I didn't even get to talk about high DPS w/ team shooting, clean ups, and shotgun swap consistency & OHK. Hope this was enjoyable though!
1st game. 56 kills, 11.2 k/d
2nd game 30 kills, 15.0 k/d
Not one zone capped, in either match.
What a team player you are, WOW
120’s are way more forgiving when missing shots. You literally have to be perfect with a 140 or you die if you don’t 3 tap someone every time. You can hit 1 crit with a 120 and you’ll be good. It’s stupid.
Good video, but I was hoping you were going to discuss more external contributing factors like map design, strategy, and class ability use. For example, what aspects of our current maps makes 120s strong? What synergies do they have with special weapons? Would they be so dominant if we had quick-change loadout options like other games?
Because TTK don’t matter in destiny due to netcodes. 120 vs 140 in private match will always trade together. But 120 has less margin of error due to less shots. Better team shooting
I feel like 120s are amazing in team game modes but Ace is the rumble king
At this point, Bungie is on a mission to piss everyone off. Killed 180´s, 150´s n 140´s and now 120´s. I rather play other games than playing with weapons I dont like, mainly now that anything you shoot it feels like you are in the middle of an earthquake in Japan.
120 HCs should do 81 damage to the head, like DMT. This would allow them to be forgiving and still have 2 tap potential, but they wouldn't be as monstrous as they are now.
Can we make 140s do 80 to the head?
My poor Ace can't beat my poorly rolled steady hand :/ Honestly, too much aim assist in this game.
People keep telling me to stop “crutching” 120 rpm hc and I’m not sure if they are actually a crutch or not
I'm sure the 3m range nerf will really reign them in lol
I went into this already feeling like I knew why 120s are meta but Drewsky gets deeeep and shows there’s so much more to it. Great video.
One of the major contributors to their dominance is the inherent movement ability of Handcannons vs. other archetypes like scouts and pulses that have target acquisition, in air accuracy, movement speed, and other drawbacks while ADS and moving.
Combination of range, forgiveness, flinch and teamshot potential (peekshot too). TTK doesn't amount to much if you always get flinched or cant hit the required number of crits. Teamshot is super easy because of the massive amount of damage dealt, teammates need to land less shots boosting their ttk. Peekshot potential is also super high, 90 damage vs 70 damage still results in more time spent regenerating health.
TTK if one guardian shoots you-1 sec
TTK if 2 guardians shoot you-instant 😂
Yes brother! I agree with all the damage boosting and perks in the game. That’s where I think Bungie should of either adjust or simply not given 120 damage perks at the least.
I think that if they increased the zoom without increasing the range that could help. Punishes you more at very close range
They do 180 damage in half a second from practically any range on the maps we have. If you get tickled by virtually anything else in that time period, the effective base TTK of a 120 hand cannon outside of a 1v1 is 0.5 seconds.
Anyone know the shader on his igneous
The 120 HC meta is so much worse than the 600 AR meta.
Whats the shader on tthat Igenous?
Nerf crit damage to 85. But most importantly: NERF THE FLINCH. There is no way to shoot back at a 120 HC with with a pulse or scout. Even shooting back with a 140 HC is tedious…
I know nobody uses them but as an avid bow user I can confirm that 120s contest bows within their optimal range on any map
To me what's funny is the Aggressive Hand Cannons are about as strong as they were before Shadowkeep nerfed all HCs, and during that time nobody cared about them when they had all the same strengths before that they do now, and people would even go as far to say that they were bad and didn't have a purpose.
Though in all fairness the difference between the old 110RPM vs 150RPM is larger than the new 120RPM vs 140RPM.
On the topic of consistency it would be worth looking into Precision Bows, as they're like the extreme version of 120HCs with a 0% crit rate needed for optimal TTK (They kill in 2 body shots!) have sniper like range while still being able to hipfire at close range since you can just go for body, and an extremely competitive TTK that's highly roll and skill dependent (Your TTK is as good as your Drawtime and your ability to predraw before engaging.) also since they only need to land 2 shots to kill their teamshotting potential is through the roof as well.
But in those extremes they also share their weaknesses as well, miss a single shot and your TTK plummets, and you're at a disadvantage if you get caught without an arrow drawn as well.
Consistently and potential. Two things ARs lack on top of array of other necessary qualities.
Hey Drew, what shader are you rocking on your Igneous? It looks amazing!
Is it just me or are 140s more popular in rumble?
What sensitivity do u play on?
Why are 120 HC meta, why were 600rpm auto rifles meta, why were 180 HC meta, why were pulse rifles meta. Because Bungie buff and nerf a couple of times a year to change the meta and make us chase a new god roll.