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Omolon 2021
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Sunset happened.
I know the power
Hi bro you sens on controler ?
I miss Age of Triumph😔 didn’t even realize the best days were behind me until it was already gone
I've been here since the beta of D2. Have experienced D1 since beta due to my brother being a beta tester but I didnt get to play till D2 Beta
All weapon foundries are missing their place. Especially with all the reprisals I don't get why in the heck Bungie doesn't bring the weapons from the Taken King into d2 and then add the new stuff.
Also, the way the gunsmith worked in d1 was great. I'd love to see a similar system return!
I love Stochastic Variable, I used to use it all the time in Year 1. Even if they don't bring that specific gun back, Bungie could at least afford to bring back Phase Magazine. It's such a unique magazine option, and could really spice up god rolls on SMGs and maybe even other weapon types.
Edit: I have both the Nergal and the Variable in my collections 🙂
Luke Smith happened.
My favourite weapon type is omelon, I would love a omelon armor set aswell
My favourite foundry. Coldheart is my favourite weapon from Omolon.
Fun Fact: The Solar Mananan SR spans Warmind Cells with Rasputins Strenght
😂 10mins to discuss what happened to Omolon weapons?
1 Simple Answer…..
They got Sunset. All of them.
Been playing destiny since the alpha for destiny 1. I have almost all the weapons from both 1 and 2
I used my masteworked mannanan til like season 10 in the Crucible over every other scout. It's got like 3-400 kills! I agree with your comments DFP! Bring back Omolon, Bungie 😫
Omolon scouts have always been my favorite to use
I love Imran weapons and what my favorite until recently was the Timeless vortex or it might have been a future War cult weapon if I remember correctly I think the true prophecy is also a omolon weapon and I remember cracking the only weapon that owned in Destiny 1 that was legendary was an omolon weapon
You know what we need more of, foundry guns in general, where’s the legendary Suros autos, where’s the Häkke scouts and pulses, where are the Veist everything, and can I please get an Omolon sniper. I’m a weird person and love Omolon sniper scopes
Bungie has DLC's to sell in the future…we will see them
I still use the palates corrector. My master work is range. Take it for a spin rampage still recks..obviously in control. I still think yr 1 meta wld have worked if we had the movement and ttk of now..
I want to see Tex Mechanica weapons, but maybe that's just me. Also, can we get the super long New Monarchy Hakke scout rifle back too?
Those are the two things I wanna see the most. Oh, maybe also just Daito and Cassoid weapons too. I wanna see more new things. Like I get the Omolon weapons are cool, but imagine legendary weapons from the foundries that brought you Jade Rabbit, Last Word, Chaperone, Telesto, and Invective. Wouldn't that be pretty awesome.
I played all of year 1. farmed the lost sectors forever. And still never got the stoicastic after thousands of tokens 😭
Don't forget The Mornin' Comes.
AKA. the ONLY Omolon sniper currently in-game
Bringing back these weapons would require more work for bungie,didn’t they already tell everyone that making content is hard for them?how selfish of you to wanna make the game more enjoyable for everyone by asking for this from bungie.Maybe they should take all their efforts from trials and concentrate on banning players that ask to much from them.😉
This may be intentional. They only brought back certain guns during year three, and they made a big deal of every wave. it could be intentional that they saved the online guns for this year to make them more unique and uniform to the set
They dont even need to bring them back, just the class and archtype for them and maybe some other unused ones.
But we all know all the weapons did get brought up, theyre just disguised as new guns with a different name.
The most obvious ones are suros guns reskinned into the dreaming city weapons
Ngl, I miss when all the weapon companies made weapons, remember when Tex mechanica and daito made legendaries weapons too??
Subjunctive = Stochastic Variable 2.0
Congrats on verification!!!
I love hakke and back in year 1, I absolutely loved a precision frame sidearm with opening shot in pve. I never liked pvp. Just the sound and aesthetic of hakke weapons is so cool