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Showcasing the 5 Best Hand Cannons for PvE (and PvP!) that you can use and infuse to Max Light in the Destiny 2: Beyond Light Expansion!
New #Destiny2 video, showcasing the top 5 best Legendary Hand Cannons for PvE (And PvP) that are surviving weapon retirement in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals (New Season 11)! All of these Weapons will be usable in the new Destiny 2 Beyond Light DLC Endgame due to their max light infusion caps! This includes the IKELOS Hand Cannon, Jack Queen King 3, Ancient Gospel, The Old Fashioned, and Dire Promise, as well as their PvE & PvP God Rolls! These top tier Hand Cannons can be used to create some of the best builds and best loadouts in Destiny 2! All of these weapons are surviving weapon retirement in the Destiny 2: Beyond Light Fall Expansion! And therefore can be used in endgame activities like the new raid! #SeasonOfArrivals #Destiny2News
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Time to spam the Gunsmith with Weapon Parts lol
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"the meygazine"
the weeknd
My fire promise has opening shot, rangefinder, riffled barrel and range masterwork
Is there someone down to do raids?? I’ve only done leviathan and eater of worlds and I want to do the rest
Where are the 110’s?!
I have a accurized,feeding frenzy,explosive payload,dire promise with range masterwork is it good?
still using sunshot in 2020…still the best hand cannon.
Wtf is sunsetting?
Actually you can get the jack queen king 3 from Brother Vance in Mercury
lol have that pvp dire
when you where power leveling and thought the old fashion was useless and kept on scrapping it :sad
eh, I like using the new weapons. I hope that the new ones aren't like the Forsaken weapons because those sucked
Really the nation beasts is good
At the start what was the 2 guns you were using ?
Ikelos hc and jack queen king are trash. They have been since their dlc launched.
As a hunter who is a gunslinger, hand cannons are my favorite guns in the game and are best suited in my opinion
So I really like this video can you make more to cover other gun types.
“Here are some of best hand cannons to get for beyond light”so anyways I got bad sleep last night 😂
Well the old fashioned sucks in pvp
Wait…… You called it Aye-ki-los?!
I thought it supposed to be pronounced like Yi-kaye-los.
Just to make it sounds like pronouncing by Japanese accent.
The sad part is this video will be useless if Hand cannons can’t slot champion mods in BL
Gotta love those cowboy guns.
I like to use my old fashioned with demo and surrounded
Why my austringer have to go? 🙁
The ancient gospel is probably gonna be really good in beyond light because they're completely eliminating the 150 ark-uh type
what about pulse rifles!?!!?!
I actually just got the jack queen king, not sure how if I'm not supposed to be able to get it… and personally I like the old fashioned better than dire promise.
i once got a god roll old fashioned but dismantled it cause it was a 140 rpm. i hate myself
Not gonna lie I don’t like hand cannons
Better devil's is still my main kinetic gun when running a special exotic, I know it's not exactly a good gun anymore but I have too many memories with it, it's my equivalent of caydes ace or shins last word
Rickamus kackimus I 'd wish you could help me get thorn last stage I can not find anybody to join my fireteam to finish this before beyond the light.. Its stressing me out… I'm 50 years old and still gaming… I've seen you complete the whisper man l can't find my way in to even start fighting so hard…. Like l said I'm at the last part of thorn chasm of screams please somebody help me…? Got the destiny app up and running 7 days left I'm stressed out… Skipperdog*7
I have everything on my dire promise except rangefinder