The Steady Hand God Roll Is the Most Consistent Legendary Hand Cannon | Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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In this video we take a look at the new Iron Banner hand cannon, The Steady Hand, as well its stats and possible perks it has, ultimately resulting in what the “God Roll” of the Steady Hand is for pvp – and showing that it is statistically the most consistent legendary hand cannon in Destiny 2 Beyond Light.


35 thoughts on “The Steady Hand God Roll Is the Most Consistent Legendary Hand Cannon | Destiny 2 Beyond Light”

  1. I meant the goal of 100k subscribers at the end, but left it because it sounds funnier as 100. This Hand Cannon is incredibly consistent, I highly recommend grinding for one. Thanks for watching!
    Update: I mentioned a reload masterwork, I meant that specifically for the non Iron Grip roll, it does nothing with Iron Grip.
    Update 2: This was recorded before True Prophecy was announced to be officially out of the loot pool (not sure why)

  2. Hey Drew, just a little bit of feedback. I really think you should include visual aids in your explanations for learners who are more visually adept. Also, its hard to pay attention to what your saying when your AMAZING gameplay is in the background.

  3. Honestly man my Steady Hand is my new favorite 120 Hand Cannon in the game! I have Steadyhand, High Caliber, Slideshot, and Iron Grip with a Range Masterwork, giving it 78 range, 60 stability, 70 aim assistance, and 85 recoil direction. Best feeling 120 I’ve ever had!

  4. Had to stop watching. This guy is running around not capping flags and just padding his K/D rather than do anything "risky" like actually cap a flag. Rather than go do a rumble or elimination or survival match, he chooses an objective based mode an then runs around trying to catch people off guard as they try to get to and capture flags.

    It's selfish gaming behavior. Play the damn objective or go to a TDM style game mode. Joining a control style game mode and then just running around looking for easy kills as people rush flags is cheap. Anyone can pad k/d this way.

  5. you say people are going to play around a damage buff, but on my true prophecy with a 12 bullet clip and my citans, if i get challegened by 2 people, its the most free double kill… using rampage aggressively in 2v1's is pretty effective. and on warlocks for example, healing rift allows for free 2v1's with rampage also, damage perks are by far better than 'consistancy perks' if you want consistancy, play more and get better, but thats just my opinion, good video none the less, i like your idea's, i think for beginner players those are definitely great perks, just not for someone with 1000's of hours

  6. Steady hand? Crimils has better stats in every single slot and better perks and true proph has a lot better perks? Why you telling people steady hand is the best lolol is like your purposely tryna get people using the shit gun

  7. My second drop was Steadyhand, High Calibre Rounds, QuickDraw, Iron Grip and a Stability Masterwork. Pretty happy with that given the upcoming changes on PC.

  8. the first roll I got was steady hand, flared magwell, quickdraw and iron grip….


  9. Do NOT sleep on Iron Gaze with this gun! I don’t know what it is but I get three taps a mile away and half the time I’m aiming at their knees! ‘Cause that’s the kinda player I am…

  10. All the ones I've gotten have rolled with Iron Gaze and it just feels horribly inconsistent. It'll ghost all the bullets that I aim directly at a target but then randomly decides after I shoot 50 meters to the right of an enemy to turn into Truth and chase them across the map, round 7 different corners, take a tea break, go to the beach, read the entirety of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, contemplate the morality of being a bullet, find a wonderful wife, raise a family together, travel the vast expanses of the omniverse, then hit my enemy in the head. Please explain Bungo.

  11. My favorite roll right now is my outlaw/Iron Grip with richochet rounds and a stability masterwork. my roll has 30 stabilty its so freaking amazing. did a private match against a guy with sturm he got demolished.

  12. Omg I didn’t even know I had the roll your saying is the best, been using sturm so I will give this a shot even though has 4 less bullets. My msg is 8 on the S/Hand.
    It has ricochet rounds, iron grip, quick draw, handling MW 👌🏻


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