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THIS BUILD IS THE NEW DEVOUR!?!? Essentially with this build, you constantly heal off of practically ALL grenade kills while using top tree void for Warlock… It’s insanely good and extremely fun to use lol. Using the mod “Heal Thyself” we turn every single grenade we throw into healing grenades since we are always charged with light from the new elemental well mods introduced this season in Destiny 2 Beyond Light | Season of the Chosen
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Song – Pokémon Lofi Music ~ 1 Hour Mix (Pokémon League Theme from “Pokémon Diamond and Pearl”) –
I feel like bungo needs to give more useful mods each week because I’m missing a lot of charged w light mods, including heal thyself. Very unique build though
There’s a cool sword based build you can make with stronghold and the sword season mods w other stuff like lucent blade, It works very well for nightfalls
I've really been enjoying using these elemental mods lately and ESPECIALLY the grenade one. They are honestly seemingly making all set ups like 10x better lol. I hope you all find this video to be all right. If you have any questions or concerns then feel free to ask and let me know!
ah yes my boy you weren't kidding earlier when you said it was nuts LMFAO. I will not doubt you anymore. cant wait for the next vid my boi
I love your new content bro. I think 100 intelect is useless because of the new mod release. Anyway can't wait for your next video. Have fun bro 🙂
Last suggestion if you don't mind, Assassin's Cowl + Lament Top tree void subclass. Best exotic for NF Master, Legend and Grandmaster. It has unlimited invisible when you continuously dodge.
Powerful ads like orange bar is 12s invisible
Low ads like red bar is 9s invisible
Champion or boss like yellow bar is 15s invisible. If you are 100 mobility your dodge is 11s cooldown. You can easily fast run and skip those ads using unlimited invisible. Finisher and melee kill will make invisible and also instantly recover your health bar. This is also good for solo lost sector if you want to grind the new exotics. This is the best exotic for me and broke af 😂.
First build I've seen with the new mods. Nice – now I'm interested in them!
Instead of maining helm of saint 14 I’ve mained synthoceps for like a week and it’s totally worth it so can you make a build for synthoceps even tho I already know there good
Dude I made this thing but I don't have the grenade mod. I absolutely can't wait until it's back in rotation at the helm. Even without the wells constantly spawning controverse still works. To make up for it I'm using bad juju at the moment
I hear the new scout Dead Man's Tale with the mod Sundering Glare and Aeon Soul w/ Sect of Force is a good build start.
wrote to u about just that (No wells) like a month ago lmao, feel neglected XD
Btw i would swich super charged to heavy handed or firepower: in top tree ur melee recharges ur nade ("nothing in top tree is useful" XD) and firepower os just ovious
Overall a nice build tho
Got you a new sub. Awesome video. Keep up the great work.
You think your broke I have 62 legendary shards and 11,000 glimmer lol
Just when my surplus/wellspring brass attacks made me pull my nezarec's sin out of the vault, you put this in my face? Thank you, gotta try it.
Oh its outta the bag now haha I have been only running this
“Controveres Well” at least that’s what I’m calling it. Thanks again.
BTW, not using seasonal mods in these builds is plus. Makes them useful for multiple seasons.
I found your videos on my home, and I loved every build. keep up man great video, you got a new sub