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Showcasing the New Deep Stone Crypt Raid Weapons in Destiny 2: Beyond Light, some of the Best Destiny 2 weapons! They have Incredible new Raid Perks that will completely re-define the current meta!
New #Destiny2 video, showcasing the Deep Stone Crypt Raid Weapons in Destiny 2: Beyond Light (New Season 12, Season of the Hunt)! The Deep Stone Crypt Raid Exotic, the Eyes of Tomorrow, is already cracked out of it’s mind, But today we’re looking at the Legendary Raid Weapons (Heritage Shotgun, Posterity Hand Cannon, Trustee Scout Rifle, Succession Sniper Rifle, and Commemoration Machine Gun) and their incredible unique weapons perks and God Rolls! #BeyondLight #Destiny2BeyondLight
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Well, we asked for more unique and impactful Raid Guns, and by God, Bungie delivered!
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Pretty sure one of datto's buddies got reconstruction and rampage on the machine gun and thats basically a 450 rpm 21% delirium. Too bad I don't have raid buddies these weapons look sick
Reconstruction is only good on like the sniper. That's it. God role for the shotgun is auto loading recombination. God roll for the hand cannon is feeding frenzy rampage. God roll for the machine gun is also feeding frenzy rampage. God roll for the scout is outlaw wellspring. Don't let him give you false information. Do the research on your own. Look on for rolls. Just cause you can get more rounds in a mag doesn't mean it's good
that 30 fps hurts my eyes
Should i return to destiny 2?
"Hey what's up guys Rick died of joy because of weapon perks Kackis here"
Imagine having enough friends to raid. >
In terms of DPS, wich Succession is better ? Recombination or Reconstruction ?
Reconstruction + vorpal?
I'm calling the cops.
Are these rolls static or is it just random drops.?
machine gun has the most dakka ever!!!
When are we gonna get the Hawk Moon quest??
When are we gonna get the Hawk Moon quest??
I love the deep stone kackis
Keep them coming
I got eyes of tomorrow on my second run 🥳
1st time running raid was tonight. Got Heritage with Reconstruction and Recombination with extended mag. Trustee with Reconstruction and Wellspring and Succession with Reconstruction and vorpal weapon. SUCH AMAZING WEAPONS!!!
I got the reconstruction and vorpal roll
On my 2nd clear
My icebreaker fix has been realized???
That pulse rifle from King's Fall with firefly was pretty OP for PvE though.
If you see on his stream he doesn't help out other players people who join him they never listen to other players but here on stream they al work as a team 99.9%. In this game ain't playing like this only clan members who know each other all of the rest dont really got a chance to raid or have fun. Because all players so far complain ain't joining or helping dont wanna raid clan players acting like they know everything but they don't they watch YouTube just to see the next stepts of the raid. Anybody in destiny only talks & have a big mouth at the end of the day they just wasted everyone time & day bungie made the raids for their own friends not really for the world to play they even call it world first in a game that nobody can play or plays at all. Bungie also removed account on the official app because they don't really like it to get exposé the devs they cheat & tell anything to their friends to get what they want things like special emblems weird huh how only those people can get it ! Trails really weird how players click & point instantly kill people when other people use the same stuff same character same class & gear nothing happens to the player it still instantly kills players weird man how the devs ain't really dying I also see people in PvP with a 479 KD all of the rest just instantly dies by any class weapons gear , warlocks are the most killed in PvP 95%
Hunters they get killed only 2% in pvp
Titans get killed only 3% in PvP
Really weird hunters invisible cloak , Dodge bullits , stop powers & ultimate from all characters. Unlimited speed no cool downs hunter also has a big DPs output ow wait the hunter stops all characters powers & bullits with their staff pvp is full with titans & hunters only ! Each match hunters & titans only ! titans they can't really play they have the biggest health pool most of them sit in corners just to make 1 kill. I haven't seen any hunter or titan really walking in pvp they hiding in Corners. Remove all instant kill abilities remove the cloak that is cheating going invisible stoping bullits is cheats the devs knows what I am talking about. Stoping all players powers with the hunter staff remove this so the hunter dies like anybody else remove the cheat that hunter & titans keep a little bit of their health enough screen shots are made so proof is already in the world I give this game only this year next year this company is going to close thier doors because the devs they cheat ! Never play with pc players they cheat daily its their job that's why they choose pc not really for graphics lol lau scrip injectors & many more mod menu or hacked programs all streamers who play pvp cheat they buy the program from a hacker 😉 oeps but they don't tell you that they see everyone on the map & know your location instantly , rapif fire controllers is also in use a hunter I know use a rapid fire controller you dont make a Chance extra aim assist you will instantly die. So far glitches & cheats helped players out to get what they want they didn't really play the game to new players dont support this company or spend money because you ain't going to finish the game & nobody is going to raid or help you or do some simple strikes the only thing they do is show off en beeing really toxic they haven't helpen nobody out yet to raid ! 1 part of the raid crypt says enough bungie couldn't really design a raid to they place all players in a empty map with snow & they kill you instantly when the game is not even started yet hahahaha yo bungie close your doors man I am over the 3500 euro in warframe Sony one of the biggest company on this planet is going to take over warframe 😉 not a game for kids.
I have a question do I need to have the season pass or beyond light to do raid bc I have no clue on how to start a raid everyone says there fun but idk how to do it please helpp
Finally there's nobody to Raid with as always.
Oh great now bungie is going to nerf my new favorite perk lol
They arent just good they feel and look amazing. I love the scout rifle with reconstruction and wellspring.
The machine gun with reconstruction and back up mag is 150 magazine size I’m lucky I got it with dragonfly
So uh…..who wants to team up for these ?
Wow pve players getting a ton of new stuff us pvp players are left with not much nowhere near as much
i am pvp player i just do not wanna play pve anymore it is boring to me to farm weapons in pve it has gone boring i am literally sick of it
i am not gonna play the game for a full year cause pvp is just boring the game is just boring
cause no new stuff in pvp except 2 new weapons
that's not enough to keep me playing the game for 1 full year i'd much rather play Halo and star wars for 2 full years
but if i do that i get kicked from the clan so yeah i have to play even when i don't want to or don't feel like playing the game
i literally feel like i am forced to do stuff i don't wanna do in the game
raids are exception but that's what kills my interest into playing destiny 2
But this one goes up to 11!
I have a heritage shotgun with 16 shots in the Magazin XD
Waiting for chad kackis day 19
This is huge.
I completely agree! The weapons are amazing! I got the machine gun with reconstruction and extended mag. It’s a beast!
I’m surprised u didn’t mention the scout, it’s easy to get because it drops from first encounter and it is basically a insane range auto rifle for pve, plus as it being a scout u can get overload shots
Not going to last
Pvp players will moan and pve will suffer.
Some weapons that makes one feel poweful has been nerfed to the ground as it breaks pvp.
So enjoy while it lasts