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Alright boys so with Destiny 2 Beyond Light slowly approaching and with Sunsetting coming with it a lot of people are beginning to look for new loadouts made out of God Rolls Best Weapons in Destiny 2 Season of Arrivals right now! So today I will be showing you are the Best Loadout/Best Build for Destiny 2 going into Beyond Light. I will be going over Witherhoard, God Roll Gnawing Hunger, and God Roll Falling Guillotine! Enjoy!
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I have been using the loadout in the vid since the start of s11 but i might replace witherhoard with travellers chosen for a while… That sidearm looks op in theory
I recently came back to d2 and the first gun I got was gnawing hunger that was apparently a God roll for crucible (according to my friend)
So your looking for new weapons because the ones you have are being sunsetted at 1060. But the new ones will be sunsetted at 1360.
Breachlight / Gnawing Hunger / Falling Guillotine (Temptation's Hook when I need ranged) has been my standard loadout since I managed to get the rolls I wanted on them. Witherhoard when the content demands it.
I really dont know about witherhoard. I love the gun reading what it does but while using it… its just feels overall meh. Projectiles are slow and inconsitent, reload speed is abyssmal, and even the dmg is kinda… whatever for addclear. seriously? the time it takes for a witherhoard shot to kill a target and then spread and hopefully the others of the pack stand in it too so you can do some ticking dmg… i could just pull out a loaded question, give it one shot and everything is dead. It supposed to be good but everytime i use it i feel like i m soooo slow. when equipping an actual add clearing setup
Buzzard gnawing hunger and 1k for dps sometimes switch 1k for falling guillotine depends on what is needed.
I’ve been using the forward path, python, and anarchy for my load out
Gnawing hunger + witherhoard
Since I'm using Nezarec's sin im using osmosis on my kinetic, a void auto rifle (gnawing) with demolitionist to get that grenade back even faster. Power is what i switch up the most, but usually something void. It all depends on the content. Obviously I can't go 100% void in high level nightfalls in which case i like to bring several bows in the energy slot for shield breaking (hush,calamity and arsenic bite) for that overload while using osmosis hand cannons with unstoppable mod in my kinetic. This is for soloing and tbh it's a tight fit to get three elements into one build but it's doable but hardly optimal.
Suros, Beloved, Bad omens
I never got a Mountaintop. I did get a Militia's Birthright for some long task but just dropped it in the vault. I needed a bounty one day and tried it out and I kinda use it a lot now.
I'm using Supremacy, gnawing hunger, and anarchy
My go-to Gnawing has the only non-damage perk, Demo. Wouldn't change it for anything. Add Anti-Barrier rounds mod from the Artifact and Breach Resonator chest mod for even more nade energy synergy then top off with Nezarec's Sin(or Verity's Brow if I'm running DawnBlade) and I get a grenade every 3 or 4 trash mobs. In some strike and pub event situations I can practically spam nades.
My main loadout is Gnawing, Arbalest and Guillotine altough I sometimes sub Arby with Wither or Gully with Temporal Clause as it's a great void LMG that's an easy farm.
If you want a fun middle tree solar hunter build, I run a lonesome (graverobber/swashbuckler), gnawing hunger (Subsistence and swashbuckler), and the guillotine.
Ophidian chest, 100 mobility and str, both the seasonal solar ability mods… And you can break any type of champion, while basically playing genji. If you're running, shoot the lonesome, if you need a reload, throw a fan of daggers at some unsuspecting fools and continue. Too many ads? Well, your gnawing hunger is really hungry. But in general, it's just running around, throwing infinite staggering daggers, and occasionally shooting stuff when required.
It works… Well, anywhere as long as you're having fun. 😛
I need help to do whisper of the worm i cant finish the final stage can someone help me , also if you can help me do leviathan raid and zero hour i will help you back for challenges (i dont have dlc's)
Anarchy good kinetic primary and blinding Grenadas on truthteller
my first main loadout was night watch, riskrunner and a random blue sword. when i got the witherhoard and guillotine i switched to this in the vid 🙂
My personal favorite loadout for pve and pvp is the Azimuth dsu and the gnawing hunger
I just watched this video for the first time after using the same load out for a month and I completely agree this pve build is insane
I play the following PVE loadout, Witherhoard, Gnawing Hunger (Subsistence and Rampage/Anti Barrier) Guillotine (Jagged+Relentless+Whirlwind/Major Spec), never got all 4 god rolls in either of the later 2 weapons, but I am happy with what I have already. Only rarely I change this when I have like arc weapon or handcannon bounties, then I switch to my First in Last out and Ace.
Witherhoard w catalyst, ikelos smg/gnawing hunger and falling guillotine/whisper
Threat level, gnawing hunger, 1k or anarchy
no cap best informative d2 content creator here, thank god bcs i dont like hearing "RiCkaKis HeRE"
My exact loadout before seeing this video !
I’m high key a noob, but what were those gun sounds at the beginning of the video?
My beyond light loadout:
Izanagis burden
Curated nation of beasts
God roll Interference VI
I have the same but you know that you can shoot your weapon switch the weapon and then go back shooting again and you don’t have to reload it other words start for a switch keep your head firing switch back and keep on faring
Truth teller, Gnawing Hunger, Falling guillotine, Python, Buzzard, Cold Denial are the weapons I've been using this season. Python and Buzzard unfortunately will be sun setting by the end of season 12 but they are still very fun to use.
Truth teller is another weapon that I have been using an awful lot recently, it's not exactly mountain top but it can be as good as it in the right hands.
My Gnawing Hunger has Subsistence and rampage, with a stability master work making it's stability bar like 80% full. This thing is literally like a laser.
This is my loadout for PVE. Sometimes I switch Witherboard with Ace. And for pvp I run Gnarling Hunger and The Last Word
Can I have some of that 10 min ad revenue
im using the ecotic travelers choose ,the the rifle your useing and then the sword your use ing
1st load out is astral horizon, ikelos smg and 1k or anarchy. 2nd load out is forward path, 4th horsemen and falling guillotine.
Personally, I prefer Enduring Blade on my Falling Guillotine, but whatever goes for you. 🙂
I need to know whats a good legendary primary weapon since i like to run anarchy for power and i use gnawing hunger for special weapon, rn i use midnight coup but thats getting sunseted 😑
My load out had served me well so far, forward path, first in last out/ ikelos sr, and whisper of the worm
Is there an alternative to falling guillotine?