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What’s up guys! Enjoy this short taken from my most recent video! Subscribe for more Destiny 2 content!
Music Credit:
Early Bird by | e s c p |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
yeah it never got nerfed, people just forget about suros but i love that baby on spinning up
First dude had a sliver of health and the second dude had no shield before he was even shot at..
I miss the 600 auto meta they only nerfed it cause handcannon tryhard got slaty and out ttk'ed
"Suros cuts through the crucible"…
more like: "suros barely gets a non-shield and struggles to kill a full-life guardian"
Ok but hear me out I k ow this is gonna sound crazy but I think crucible is a waste of time
Turn down your DPI.
Garbage gameplay
I am just starting out on YouTube, while all comments are appreciated, negativity and putting people down is not ok. This is my highest viewed video, and there are actually things I can work on in those comments! Constructive feedback is always appreciated!
Mmmmm you killed one with no shield and half life and barely got the shield down in another
Hey guys! Check out the original video where this short came from!