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100% worth it just to hear Ghost doing his best Drifter impressions. 🙂 You could have given me an exotic ROCK for this quest and I’d still thank you for it, haha. ‘Hive! Bring a sword!’ is the most iconic line in Destiny history, and don’t @ me.
Anyway, this is the final mission for the Salvation’s Grip exotic heavy grenade launcher. I didn’t want to put together a guide, because there’s already too many of those out there, but the quest isn’t that long or involving. It’s a pretty easy exotic to get, but this mission is pretty great just for the Ghost dialogue, and for using the weapon at the end. Fun times.
Thanks for watching!
#BeyondLight #StealingStasis #SalvationsGrip
it's crazy… although it's been on and off, I've been following you since your solo nightfall guides on destiny 1. I appreciate how long you've been doing this for 🙂
I was with you all the way, now to do it. Nice one as always.
Two questions:
Do you need to equip the stasis containment device during this?
Do you have to use Salvation’s Grip after you pick it up to complete the mission?