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Today I’ll be doing a solo flawless Harbinger Mission on Titan. I hope you will enjoy this commentary. This Mission is different than last week and much easier. There are modifiers with Chaff, Match game, and High Incoming solar damage. Arbalest can one-shot all shields throughout this mission. You don’t have to swap elemental weapons to deal with the mini-bosses ( Emissaries ) only with the unstoppable champion if you want to use a bow. I still think Xenophage is the best weapon for this mission or using a sword The Lament. I mainly wanted to show the Arbalest linear fusion rifle how much DPS you can do with this weapon and taking down shields one shot. This will be the last time I’ll be recording Ps4 footage. I’m still trying to get used to the Ps5 version. It’s very different, especially with the FOV. The Boss fight has no void shields from the red ads. You’ll need to clear down these Lightseekers to get an orb charge. Then to break down the boss shield to do DPS. It’s much easier than last week. It’s a perfect week to get the triumph done. I might come back again for the Hunter and Warlock if I have time.
Boss ( Ishrasek, Lightbeinder Of Savathun )
Sunbreaker – Bottom Tree
Nation Of Beasts ( For unstoppable champions )
Tyranny Of Heaven ( Any Arc Bow if you don’t have this weapon )
Seventh Seraph SAW
Exotic: Citan Ramparts
#SoloHarbingerMission #SeasonOfBeyondLight
I've just jump on today and did some strike's and something felt different in the game i can't figure it out it just felt different 🤔 nice video 👍💖
very very good (^▽^)/ Thank you so much. (^▽^)/ アーバレストいいね私も使うよ~(^▽^)/