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Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen – New Opening Cutscene / Caiatl, Saladin, Osiris, Zavala & More. Just a quick video showing the new cutscenes when you log into Destiny 2 Beyond Light during Season of the Chosen.
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Saladin said "Fuck Calus simps"
Wait, the Cabal Home world is gone?
oh the armor ….the new armor … so not impressive 😛
Just saying….she was making some bold request for someone definitely within fist of havoc range
Is no one gonna talk about how Caiatl actually kept her word to be “peaceful”?
He refused her offer, and instead of executing them where they stand she let them go, in a proper challenge of might. I hope we don’t kill her, I’d like to see this go somewhere.
It seems within the short introduction she received, we already understand Caiatl is an honourable Cabal. She let Zavala and Osiris leave her ship, without stabbing at their back when they were turned. Perhaps there is still a way to ally with the Cabal. If she would bend the knee to us….. Then perhaps we can add the Cabal legion to our defences against the Black Fleet after all.
Guess it's time we prove ourselves in her ritual combat grounds.
So did Saladin get a new voice actor?
whether we wanted it or not, she stepped on me iand i felt good
Bow- no
Oh god another Cabal focused season.
Funny Osiris is getting more screen time the moment he lost his ghost
Yet Another crap season luke Smith is a terrible director
Quick expansion on what Caiatl said about her world.
The Cabal Homeworld was invaded and conquered by Xivu Arath sometime before Season of the Worthy, where Savathun seemingly opened a portal for her troops as a gift to her sister.
Caiatl and the Cabal managed to escape, losing much in the process. It was aboard her fleeing flagship that Caiatl became Empress.
The Empire is now scattered, much like the Fallen. Running from the Hive has already massively undermined the new Empresses leadership, hence why she demanded that Zavala bow. Not only did she believe it was the only way for the alliance proposal to be accepted by the Cabal, she thought Zavala would do everything to avoid another war with the Cabal.
My bet on how the season ends? We beat Caiatl’s champion in one final Rite of Proving and then either the Cabal leave or our victory means we dictate the terms of the alliance.
I think Osiris is gonna die soon. I just feel it
"I propose an alliance"
Also, her "Bow"
Yeah, I don't think she understands what an alliance is.
Can we talk about how much of an absolute UNIT Caiatl is? She makes her blood guard look like children…
Y’know she could’ve ended the commanders right then and there but didn’t. Wouldn’t say that’s stupid, but you kinda gotta respect that honor though
holy fuck the spam is real man.
You have 268k subs. Did you need to upload 20 fucking videos today?! Guess I'll unsub just to have a normal feed again jesus christ
Me: "muh chainsaw"
finally we get to see what saladin thinks of rasputin in worthy
How to solve the Cabal threat immediately
Caiatl : I shall see you on the battlefield
Zavala casts Fist of Havok
Cabal: bow…
Me- So… you have chosen death
Cabal means bow is the new exotic bow lol😆
This time I think the cabal are sincere. We'll probably end up joining forces but with them weakened
If only she didn’t say ‘Bow’ and they wouldn’t have a problem allying guardians and cabal maybe
but I don’t know it’s what I thought would have happened without bloodshed and suffering
Wait… lord salad man did not say nothing about Skyburners. So does that mean they are still fighting on the dreadnaught?
The best line zavala said in 7 years or so
There are ships on europa,cosmodrome and nessus
The way Osiris looks at Zavala after Caiatl says "Bow"…
When she says “The Black Fleet” is she talking about the pyramids?
Maybe the should have another word for negotiate beside ultimatum
funny if what bring back Valus Ta’aurc became Exo Cabal
Everyone is being sensitive when she said "Bow". If we bowed, we would have alliance at least for a bit, now we just lined up another enemy for ourselves. When we would have eradicated the Hive, there is nothing wrong for no longer participating in that alliance. It should be more about what is in it for us, not just being stupid and saying "No" to everything like Zavala constantly does
Caiatl: So… We took a beating from the Hive, so we want you to be our subordinates.
Guardians, the god slayers: Bro… is she serious or this is some type of xeno joke ?