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I review the brand new Pinnacle/Ritual Weapon inside Season of the Splicer Null Composure!
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Destiny 2 Beyond Light is here! The brand new D2 Expansion brings brand new Stasis supers, Revenant for Hunter, Behemoth for Titan, and Shadebinder for Warlock. Each new Subclass has full customization with Aspects and Fragments. The new DLC also brings Europa, a brand new Patrol Public space filled with lost sectors and new materials to grind for! New Exotics, New Strikes, New Story, and much more! Enjoy amazing moments in Destiny 2 through Season of the Splicer as we grind XP through the new Season Pass and Power Level. Awesome Moments in PvP and PvE and of course the NEW Raid the Deep Stone Crypt and now VOG, Vault of Glass Raid! The Vex have sunset the sun and now we join Mithrax and Ikora to save the last city! We now have a brand new HELM room in Season of the Splicer. A brand new Override 6 player activity with a weekly pinnacle mission Expunge. We now have Ada-1 returned with now us grinding for Synthweave to unlock Transmog. New Exotic Stasis Sidearm Cryosthesia, the returning Hung Jury SR4, Vault of Glass Legendarys returning like Fatebringer, Found Verdict, Praedyths Revenge, and Vex Mythoclast! Vault of Glass will also be getting raid challenges and also a new difficulty options where adept versions will be dropped! I will be playing on PC, Xbox Series X, and on PS5! Beyond Light will be bringing many fun moments and highlights in all modes likes Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris, Raids, Dungeons, Crucible, Vanguard Strikes, Story Missions, and the returning Solstice of Heroes!
#Destiny2PvP #SeasonOfTheSplicer #NullComposure
Music by Kevin Macleod 🙂
Intro- Blip Stream by Kevin Macleod
Credits- Corncob by Kevin Macleod
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Chibi you are a great content maker and I really want to say that you make my day 10x funnier
This weapon needs auto loading holster
Oh no a… a fusion!!!!!
Heating Up is actually top teir for fusions. Stability is what makes a fusion rifle good, and I think its stupid how Omolon (is this the right spelling?) High impacts have the most. Stability is the burst control, or shot packaging stat. Most fusions suck cuz they don't have enough burst control to make them more as viable as a shotgun, especially rapid fires that are MEANT for shotgun range engagements. Its not a broken OP perk that needs a nerf, it's just a perk that, as long as they keep it on rapid fires, adaptives and precision frames is balanced
Loaded question reborned
Dude.. Chibi just proved to me that even if Im having the worst of days he can change it 1000 better in the matter of minutes.
Love you man.
I hate that the perk got nerfed, but I am SO HAPPY it is back
"Yes.. explosion"
For some reason that make my crack up 😂
One of us, one of us.
Chibi when is the next resident evil video going up im loving your play through on that
I personally suck at pvp but yesterday I got my first 25 kill game, wether this is because I got way better or the game gave me an opening shot seventh seraph CQC is up for debate.
(It's not)
Chibi did you hav to buy the ornaments for ur hunter or did u transmog them??
At this point I'm convinced your wedding suit would be neon green
mann you really do love that green lmao
You have made all Fusion rifle proud, Chibi
I salute thee
its gonna hurt me more than the enemy team. sounds like tommys matchbook to me. :p
Someone on reddit I saw said that the nightfall fusion plug 1 can roll with reservoir burst, not sure if it’s true but I hope it is!
“It doesn’t need to be meta to be fun.” He says, while using Loaded Question 2.0, Anarchy, and Stasis on a Hunter.
Actually the new fusion rifle of nightfall (you can have it this week) can also have reservoir burst ! And it's also a different archetype 👍
Loaded Question but chbi bought it from wish
It’s awesome I know that’s kirby music playing in the background and I only know because my 5 yr old son loves playing Kirby on old school super nes.
8:37 kid: MOM!!!!
MOM: turn that damn game off and do your homework before i throw you're console out the window!!!!
I dont know why but whenever the chibi intro plays I just smile and get excited, great videos man
Ey Chibi, you may not see this, but I'm Yeet_ze_Pizza/Hyperdeath
Only downside to this fusion is blast radius wasn't big enough like loaded question
How come hardly anybody is talking about the conflux that pops up in the Kingship Dock lost sector on the tangled shore?
The music turned the chaos up to 11 🎶🎶
Is that final fantasy or dragon quest music in the background? I'm probably getting it mixed up with something else.
Meanwhile me over here was really disappointed in the gun. The Reservoir Burst explosion on this gun is just reeeeally sad, it has no range, no damage. Imo it feels really underwhelming to use it…
Please never feel bad when using a fusion. Just remember what you are going up against.
You're hunter looks like Ellen DeGeneres
The song in most of the video gives me nostalgic vibes of kirby
Tbag a fusion but your a shotgun rhino oooook buddy
not sure what gun you are reviewing but the null composure is weak and is not worth the grind at all… .its useless in pvp it has no composure at all …
just because the meta is fun, does not mean that all fun must be meta