Masterwork Weapons for New Players || Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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Masterworking your weapons isn’t nearly as costly or remorseful as Armor Masterworking. Luckily the process is relatively straight forward but if you’re still having trouble this should help you take the steps needed to Masterwork a weapon.


Armor Masterworking Guide:





29 thoughts on “Masterwork Weapons for New Players || Destiny 2 Beyond Light”

  1. In case anyone was curious as to what caused my mental breakdown in that video, I've been chasing the Age Old Bond Auto Rifle from the Last Wish Raid to roll with Triple Tap, High-Impact Reserves and a Stability Masterwork ever since the raid came out and I've only gotten a handful of the gun to drop let alone the roll I want. IT"S MADDENING!

  2. Is it a grind to get enhancement cores and prisms, I see lot of players having 5-6 masterwork weapon and armor on their character slots. The amount of prisms and enhancement cores required for one ascendent shard seems insanely time consuming activity, please let me know if there are tricks or tips to obtain prisms or shards quicker apart from difficult lost sectors

  3. Thanks, dude. That was entertainingly fun and informative. Covered all my questions on the topic. Really good content. Will now go on to see your masterworking armour video. Thanks a bunch. Hope you find that Age Old Bond Auto Rifle gun with your desired roll you've been chasing for so long.

  4. Bro you almost at 1k I subbed because I saw that honestly and you make good quality videos. Keep it up. Also, I haven’t watched any recent videos but if you aren’t already take some time out to tell viewers to sub specifically for that 1k goal and that it helps out. It works charms. Keep grinding tho.


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