How to Get Your First Stasis Aspect! 5 Entropic Shards Locations [Destiny 2 Beyond Light]

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How to Get Stasis Aspect “Iceflare Bolts” 5 Entropic Shards Locations [Destiny 2 Beyond Light]

If you want max DPS you will need some G FUEL, the official drink of ESPORTS! Use code “EHROAR” for a discounted price! (link automatically applies my code)

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37 thoughts on “How to Get Your First Stasis Aspect! 5 Entropic Shards Locations [Destiny 2 Beyond Light]”

  1. I am now sponsored with G FUEL! My code "Ehroar" will be 30% off for the next week! I've been drinking Gfuel since 2013 and my all time favorite flavor is Fruit Punch check it out here:

    Also if you play on Steam you can purchase any edition of Beyond Light or Destiny 2 Legendary Edition which comes with all 3 main DLCs for 15% right now here:

    Nexus offers games at the same price as Steam but each purchase supports me!

  2. Not only are warlocks stasis incredibly broken in all parts but it gets 3 fragments slots right away with just one aspect. hunters only get 2 and poor Titans only get 1. Ik more will be added but not in yet so yeah

  3. This is maybe the worst destiny guide I have ever seen, unwatchable fps, friends constantly screwing around and making it harder to follow, seen like 10 times now and still haven't found the last fragment. Christ


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