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How to Get Stasis Aspect “Iceflare Bolts” 5 Entropic Shards Locations [Destiny 2 Beyond Light]
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Ok so yea u missed one in Cadmus Ridge bro u drove right pass it that’s why people in the comment was confused
I hope you don't get the laggy video while you are playing. Thanks for the guide tho.
Think u missed one ngl
That was 4
I can barely see this
Was this played on Nvidia Geforce Now?
Man, this stasis stuff seems really grindy, if I have to do the entire campaign and the salvations grip quest three time I’m gonna die
Choppy ? Lol
damn i get a frame by frame play and i dont even have to turn down the playback speed
This showcases 4 not 5 lol
Why didnt you get the 6th one?
Dude. The FPS is really really bad. You playing with a 960 at 4k or something?😂😂😂. Maybe it’s time for 60fps recording bro. Thanks
He actually called this shadowkeep
man this is real hard to watch
"Shadowkeep"??? XD
I didn't get any aspect while doing this on my Titan. Did all 9 shards too.
Bro whatever you where doing with the 360 jerky spin shit made the video hard to follow!
Feed back not negativity
Not only are warlocks stasis incredibly broken in all parts but it gets 3 fragments slots right away with just one aspect. hunters only get 2 and poor Titans only get 1. Ik more will be added but not in yet so yeah
ha i know where the 6th one is because i spent 3 hours looking for it because i have no life
This video is killing my eyes
ehroar downbad with this production quality rn
Notification squad!!!
I cant watch this dude sorry but i I need my eyes and ur 10 fps is just way to painful
Holy shit the frame rates is fkn brutal. This is the worst vid on this channel. Please reupload this with better quality
So I started on my titan last week, does that mean I can't get this aspect this week?
Next slide please
what's with the pathetic framerate…. i started having seizures….
how do i do the last one
That FPS😬
What are you filming on? Dial up?
Dude u must love this game to play it at this fps thanks for the information g
This is what it looks like when I play Ark on console.
Does anyone know the 4 that he didn’t get?
With as shitty as this video is, not only am I using code pewdiepie for Gfull, imma leave a nice dislike for shit content
Wtf in the 2 fps the “shadow keep” is this shit
This is maybe the worst destiny guide I have ever seen, unwatchable fps, friends constantly screwing around and making it harder to follow, seen like 10 times now and still haven't found the last fragment. Christ