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What’s up people, here is a quick video on how to get the Izanagi’s Burden exotic catalyst in Season of the Chosen, and how to farm the kills easily. Please drop your opinions and other tips in the comments below.
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What’s up, people! Here’s a quick vid on how to get the Izanagi’s Burden exotic catalyst now that it’s back in Season of the Chosen. Please hit that LIKE to support if you’re feeling it, and thank you for watching! I hope this vid helps, and If you missed my bootleg Lore reading for this season, check this out: I appreciate you BIG time, and be safe ya’ll.
Gg in f do
Awesome video as always and thanks for the info
Still don’t have Izanagi
Got that catalyst on my first strike run
Yes I’ve been needing this! Thank you as always for the great info boss!
This was the catalyst I was wondering the most about. Thank you!!
wait so Izanagis can come from major playlist and is the major playlist like crucible stuff I'm kinda lost 😅
I was so excited when it dropped after my first crucible match of the season
Wish I had forsaken
Do you know how to get the telesto catalyst? Are all the returning catalysts random drops?
Will be buying from the vendor
I need help with harbinger I'm trying to do a seal
Thank you bro
The first strike I did I got skyburners cat