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Wanna farm raid weapons – specifically deep stone crypt raid weapons? Sure ya do. This is a very easy guide for a FAST ‘Spoils of Conquest’ token farm that you and your team can do. You’ll be maxing out on tokens in no time!
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NOTE: if you have another encounter you can do faster – by all means do that. I've had friends mention Last Wish (Kali) farming, but I believe that gives 3 tokens per run (correct me if that's not true), while this grants 5. Pick your favorite method & go to town.
You should test the hawkmoon on bubble Titian
I just have to say OMG your menus are so fast
Can the second encounter be even faster? Phasing through the door and stuff? Me and my buddy today became very consistent at it. And so it makes 2nd encounter farm doable solo or 2-3men instead of a full fireteam on the 1st one.
It Triggers me so much that ne picks up the Scanner near pad 4&5, then runs to pad 1, Back to 4&5 and then Back to 1… Like wtf why Not Start scanning 4&5 If the Scanner is already there
Idk why I’m watching this I have every exotic in the game lmao
My team farmed the atrax encounter with the salvations's grip door breach and ammo less the lament to dps the boss 😎👌 do this before it's patched because this is absolutely lightning fast. Just make sure to save a checkpoint for multiple uses
I don't have a team. So I can never complete any raid.
I just loot the 1st hidden chest every week. No team.
Hey, what’s your take on attempting this raid with 4 players? Doable? Any power levels / crucial equips you’d recommend. We’re all 1230~, and pretty green to raids in general but have watched content to learn the mechanics of this one. We’ve made it to security room but haven’t been able to go past. My theory is we don’t have the dps to clear ads and they are attacking the fuses causing wipes.
Little tip when doing dps, place the well on top of the pillars, that way you the exploder shanks and Wretches can’t damage you at all, and the small amount of damage from the dregs and captains will be completely mitigated. Also, having someone with Warmind Cells is ideal as it kills everything decor captains, champions and Servitors
cats trailer 2019
Its not that I don't think I could raid, its that I am lacking 5 other people to raid with looool
Me and my friend 2 man this
Oh yea you can also do a glitch and have 2 people down there (1 op)( 1 scan) it’s really quick
Is Eyes of tomorrow farmable?
just FYI guys, Sleeper Simulant can one shot each fuse, as long as you hit the curved part behind the fuse. the ricochet split will fuck those tubes up! so don’t directly hit the fuse, shoot right behind it, and the ricochet will take care of the rest.
just as good as Xenophage, if not better, in my opinion.
This raid honestly seems super intimidating at first but I fell it’s one of the easiest ones
I don’t understand why you are going from getting the buff passing all the fuses then starting at one then walking all the way back to 4 and 5 then running back to the door of your team mate why not start at 4-5 then work your way towards the door where the operator and you need to mention this is only worth farming if your a slow team for a decent team who knows the mechanics inside and out it’s faster running the full raid we can clear the entire raid in 40 minutes so travelling to orbit and back to the first encounter is quite slow as once it’s complete you need to reset the encounter and run from the beginning again unless someone has the start on another character and keeps switching which might beat my team and do it 4 times in under 40 minutes then but only just
TLDR : Chain the first encounter.
They stream on Twitch lol.
It’s crazy how hard it is trying to find a raid team. I haven’t done the raid yet but I’ve been playing destiny for 6 years and understand what’s going on but everyone is looking for “10+ clears” sad times:(
you dont need bubble or well bro the base dmg of xeno is more than enough you dont even need 2 ppl in each side shooting the thing just one is enough this whole raid is a joke BY FAR the easiest raid in d2 every time we play this shit fells like a speedrun with out actually doing a speedrun
Not a raider, I don't give a fuck.
On 3 characters??? I barely have time for one 😅
So what are the call-outs? How do you know what to call? There is so much left unanswered in this guide.
Man if only people thought more like you I wouldn’t be struggling to find people who know how easy this works….
he said 2 minutes, it literally takes 80 seconds, or even a faster go: send two people down below, send the scanner down through augment machines., some one down there reads below while the operator shoots (easier access) and two people read damage phase fuses, while two people with xenophage shoot up top on both light and dark sides, easy cheese, its a joke that this is even an encounter, bruh
I have 110 spoils rn I need to get to 240 for anarchy
I just want the damn scout rifle lol. All I get is the shotty, sniper and heavy machine gun
What if I don’t have
So even if you've completed the encounter with the character is you go through it you so get conquest tokens
This is my 2nd reset week and I’ve been getting nothing but armor i never get any guns
Taking the Scanner player downstairs eliminates the hassle of them having to switch rooms
Wait can u keep farming the first part for armor?
Going to try this method. Looks solid. Thanks for uploading.
My first completion was with some sort of wizards or something. We finished it in 40 minutes and I got a eyes of tomorrow.
Would you say this or templar is better to farmM
I only get 3 tokens after each encounter in deep stone crypt
Cool guide now all I need to do is call my definitely real and definitely cool friends to do this 😎
Really fascinating, but I didn't understand a thing about checkpoints and how do u figure out raid puzzles. Well, never mind. I play solo anyway…/