Here's How The Void Subclasses Can Be Updated To The Stasis Model | Destiny 2

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For the last 5 months, the Darkness has been the most pervasive aspect of Destiny 2, both in the lore, but even more so in the gameplay. When Beyond Light launched, the franchise’s first Darkness subclass, Stasis, came with it. And this was an occasion that many had been begging Bungie for since the earliest Destiny 1 days: playable, Darkness subclasses. Stasis brought true innovations to the franchise, with Stasis being a proper “element” with unique features like Slow, Freeze, and Shatter, as well as a simple but elegant subclass customization scheme that plays off of the “elemental abilities” of Stasis. Unfortunately, this innovation to elements and subclasses was reserved only for Stasis, and our old Light Subclasses have been completely left behind. It’s time for the game’s Void, Solar, and Arc subclasses to be brought into the modern day.

In this video, I’m going to explain how I would revamp the game’s Void Subclasses. We’re going to discuss how Void as an element can be reworked to have unique elemental effects like Stasis, and we will then discuss how Titan, Hunter, and Warlock Void subclasses can be redesigned with customizable Aspects and Fragments. Let’s jump in!

#Destiny2 #Void #Subclass

00:00​ – Intro
00:35​ – Reworking Void To Have Unique Elemental Effects
05:36​ – Titan Void Subclass: Redesigned For Customization
15:53​ – Hunter Void Subclass: Redesigned For Customization
22:03 – Warlock Void Subclass: Redesigned For Customization
26:44 – Outro

Link to Solar Subclasses Video:
Link to Arc Subclasses Video:


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45 thoughts on “Here's How The Void Subclasses Can Be Updated To The Stasis Model | Destiny 2”

  1. This video was just in incredible. Especially the hunter build you explained. You have no idea how many times I've wished I could create that exact build within destiny as stealth builds are one of my favorite ones to run.
    I truly hope hope bungie sees your videos as an example of what can be done.

  2. Although the new abilities would be cool, I feel that if you were caught without charged abilities, you wouldn’t stand a chance. I think the new subclass abilities would be too strong and certain combinations would break the game. Powers such as negating abilities, reducing damage output, and slowing ability charge are simply too strong. Though I definitely think subclass reworks are a great proposal , I think your ideas should go through a little bit of balancing before making it to bungle!

    (I mean all of this in the most positive way possible)

    Good video and ideas btw 🙂

  3. A very good presentation, again! If or actually when Bungie copies this, I'm just afraid of how boring it will be to earn these new powers;) Maybe Kujay should rewamp the earning mechanism, too?

  4. Kujay not sure if I commented this on your arc video but one HUGE problem with the system you've proposed is that you can run the best possible aspects/fragments/melee abilities with the best super with no downside. I think that the stronger supers (relatively speaking to the supers in the same subclass i.e. Spectral vs Tether vs Moebius Quiver), should come with fewer Aspect slots, and the weaker ones could come with more.

    Edit: Also I think your videos are absolutely fantastic, and the hard work you put into them is incredibly apparent. Awesome job, keep it up.

  5. Hmmm… I waited for all 3 videos before saying anything, but… all of your subclasses have run into the same issue that the current ones have. But they feel even more the same now than before. Yes, the individual effects may play different, but just by proposal on how they work, they would all feel the same. You'd just be choosing a color and a type of debuff. Voidwalker is the only thing that would feel remotely different and that's simply because of Devour (which let's be honest, you giving Devour 3 slots is even more low key OP, because of just how powerful it is as a solo PVE option.) And the fragments, you blatantly ripped off some already existing stasis fragments and blatantly just brought back some old D1 abilities as 'new fragments'. I understand that actually balancing how they would feel vs how they should play is incredibly hard, but maybe Bungie is right in that somethings have to go if we want to bring our light subclasses into the new skill tree style. This proposal just looks plain and boring. Sorry, I know I'll probably get a lot of hate for this opinion, but I had to say it. Again, good effort, but they don't have a 'unique' personality.

  6. Man, I know there’s so much that goes into development toward these games, but dood the thought you put in makes me go “wtf bungie”. Anyways great job, keep it up! I look forward to what you put out next

  7. This man contributes more for the community then most community contributors.

    I seriously hope people at Bungie are seeing your videos and generating discussion.

    Always said that the Light-based classes should have been overhauled with the release of Stasis and this is exactly how I would have done it.

    All your videos are just too quality content worth everyone's time and attention.

  8. I’m sorry, great ideas for the past 3 videos but I really really don’t like the fact that being tagged by an ability makes it so that you either have reduced damage up to 20% in PvP, take increased 20% damage in PvP and stops regeneration of abilities in PvP (arc). This would just lead to people spamming abilities before gunfights more than now and that’s not what we need in PvP at all

  9. I like the idea of the three different mechanics to mirror Slow, Freeze, and Shatter. But I'd like to propose the following, just for the sake of aesthetics.

    Solar – Instead of "Ignite, Burn, Explode" I'd prefer "Burn, Blaze, Blast"
    Arc – Instead of "Shock, Disrupt, Discharge" I'd prefer "Static, Shock, Storm"
    Void – Instead of "Negate, Suppress, Consume" I'd prefer "Confound, Constrain, Consume"

    I just like them more when they match, and it feels more orderly, more Traveler-like in its layout.
    Overall though, I've thoroughly enjoyed these videos, and I hope Bungo takes the time to listen to your suggestions.

  10. Oh no, think of the infinite invisibility hunters with it on their dodge, melee, and crouch precision kills… Maybe make that not possible. On the other hand, every class needs at least one way to do invisibility, it's too cool/strong to let hunters hoard it all for themselves. I say this bc warlocks and titans are getting their unique perks (consume/supress) shared, hunters need to get theirs shared too.

  11. As a PVE titan main I love this idea, I always HATE having to chose between 2 of the best PVE supers in the game and my infinite shield bash build. Imagine shield bash, ward of dawn, detonators, and resupply… I'm quaking in my MK.44 stand asides rn.

  12. honestly i play all 3 characters, and up untill now no one has ever proven to me hunters are op. But this void hunter… Would be worse then stasis honestly, 3 invis possiblities is bullshit i mean there is a reason they get 1 per subclass. Imagine using graviton forfeit or double smoke/dodge like? Also using spectral and ditching the arrow means in crucible it would be the best class in the game like bruh. All the other classes are amazing though

  13. So the warlock build can be summarized in one word: KABOOM. I like this. More explosions = more fun.

    Also, I just realized that I have now made a comment for every class.


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