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Boofcan explains everything we know is going to happen in Destiny 2 Season 13 Season of the Chosen. New legendaries, grandmaster adept weapons, and more. This is everything we know about season 13.
00:00 – Boofcan Intro
00:04 – Everything we know about Season 13 so far
00:39 – Six new legendary weapons coming to core acitvites.
00:57 – Nightfall Exclusive D1 Weapons return
01:12 – Grandmaster Adept Versions of D1 weapon
01:46 – Trials Of Osiris Refresh coming in S13/S14
03:22 – Two “new” strikes from D1 added back into the Cosmodrome
03:50 – Legendary and Master Lost Sectors coming to the Moon
03:59 – Three new exotic armor pieces added to Moon lost sectors
04:24 – DDOS Protection For Consoles & quality of life
04:44 – Boofcan final thoughts
05:49 – Boofcan Outro
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Don't get your hopes up on s13, for one, we seemingly arent getting cabal wrathborn hunts, and additionally we still havent gotten that cutscene from the vidoc with the blood legion and zavala, so next season is 100% just cabal wrathborns, the real question is wheter its more wrathborn hunts exactly as we have now, well see
Where's the new crucible maps at!!!!
Clickbaited by the thumbnail🤣🤣🤣
They add that on my bd wow
Glad they’ve decided to ignore all the broken stuff in their game so they can prioritize making stuff that makes them money.
I don’t care about D1 strikes, I just want The Pyrimdion back; it was a great strike and I miss it.
Whats the point of even getting palimdrome if its just going to get sunset
Your vids are great man. No tedious intros/outtros, no ads for overpriced shavers or caffeinated drinks. Keep up the good work.
You forgot to mention VOG
WOW so much New but Old at the same time.
The worldwide sickness is and was and will always be stupidity and ignorance.
lol they even dont make any shit new, same models like crown of sorrow just change skin
so adept weapons will be used in regular pvp to make it even worse shit than it is
you talk about fake covid? sorry dude we live for 24 years with all time internet, you can transfer models or even use remote desktop from home, only trouble with fake covid bungo can have is recording motion capture for those stupid emotes, rest like fixing bugs, adding new features, testing, making new models and textures, or sounds, does not require you to sit in office. this is all lazy bungo bullshit. may i remind you its 15 months since petra during dawning for 2nd time is on tangled shore on map, where she was before shadowshit joke
Seeing the weapons drops… i have a wierd idea. What if there is a legendary weapon drop with is exclusive to public events and patrols(like 1 or 2 weapons per season). These can have a very small drop rate(like 1% for normal and 3% from heroic). This will make people do basic patrol activities more. This is just wierd an idea but i would like some opinion on it.
Wait wait wait hold up! Most of this is destiny one stuff! What the fuck!
Legendary lost sectors successful? Bruh if that ain’t the biggest load of malarkey I’ve ever heard. Who wants to grind a lost sector for a fraction of a chance to get an exotic. I had to do over 30 lost sectors to get 2 of the new exotics. That’s repetitive and boring as always. They should just be rare world drops.
Absolutely horrible, hard to look at this game
I don’t care what anyone says if it was in D1 it’s not “new content”