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Showcasing the absolutely insane PvP and PvE God Rolls for the new Iron Banner Weapons added in Destiny 2: Season of the Chosen! The Time-Worn Spire & Multimach CCX are ONE OF A KIND Weapons you need to get!
New #Destiny2 video, breaking down the new Iron Banner Weapons in Destiny 2: Season of the Chosen (Season 13) during Year 4 of Destiny 2: Beyond Light! The new Destiny 2 Season, is out now for PC, the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PS5! But today, we are going over the utter PvE and PvP God Roll for both “The Time Worn Spire” Pulse Rifle and the Multimach CCX SMG! These were introduced in the first new Iron Banner for Season of the chosen, Iron Banner (February 2021). #SeasonOfTheChosen #Destiny2BeyondLight
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Boutta form a toxic 6-stack to get these…
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Spire doesn’t get full auto so it’s trash.
I dont "need" any of this garbage.
Congrats on 1M subs bro!
Congrats on 1m subs, you've been working so hard these past years, you truly deserve it my friend. @KackisHD
Does anyone know if the Truage Gear is actually returnin?
I love watching these vids even tho I dropped D2 months ago
congrats on 1 mil my guy
Can't believe my li'l Kackis is all grown up….
First one dropped with richochet/Feeding Frenzy and rampage.
So more ironbanner required.
More hyped rubbish weapons
You can still use the last wish pulse
I got a near God roll multimach ccx in the first week of this season cause i accidentally forgot to turn in an iron banner bounty from the week before and when I turned it in when the season of the chosen started I happened to get it lol
Congrats on 1m, been watching since house of wolves
I'm looking to get a multimach with threat detector and unrelenting for PvE
Congrats on 1 Million Subs
What's the objective in iron banner, like how do we get these weapons? Certain amount of wins, time played, etc?
For as many hours,days and weeks you play this game. How is it your arms and hands aren't in pain?
Not playing iron banner.
I'm so glad they made it so you get tokens for losing, since after 20 matches I have played I have won 2. I know I prob suck at pvp, but cmon bungie what is it with these "breaking up the matches"
I can’t do shit with these guns… or maybe… I can’t do shit with any guns because one game I do decent 2.5 efficiency or whatever, then the next 3 games I get shit on .87, .56, .23 and I get another good game. What the f u c k
With the weapon having a base recoil direction of 100, it's completely vertical with its fire pattern. This minimizes the downside of low stability, as you know exactly how to easily compensate for the weapon kick, especially on mouse and keyboard. So on PC, the extra range from the Iron perk, stacking with Killing Wind, will likely be fantastic for pvp. I'd prefer a damage perk myself, but I expect good things from it.
my grind is done lol. pulled an accurized, quickdraw, iron reach smg, w stability mw and a feeding frenzy rampage pulse
"you need to get these weapons" yeah, I don't want an smg with half a meter of range