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Showcasing ALL of the new Deep Stone Crypt Raid Weapons in Destiny 2: Beyond Light, looking at their PvE & PvP God Rolls, and ranking them from the WORST to the BEST, so you know what to farm for!
Time Stamps:
00:00 – Farming Raid Weapons
02:00 – Trustee Scout Rifle
04:45 – Bequest Sword
08:20 – Succession Sniper
10:39 – Commemoration Machine Gun
13:25 – Posterity Hand Cannon
16:24 – Heritage Shotgun
New #Destiny2 video, showcasing all of the new Deep Stone Crypt Legendary Raid Weapons in Destiny 2: Beyond Light (New Season 12, Season of the Hunt)! The Beyond Light DLC is out now on PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PS5! and today we’re ranking these new legendary weapons from the worst to the best! These weapons have PvP God Rolls and PvE God Rolls that make them some of the best weapons in destiny 2! #BeyondLight #Destiny2BeyondLight
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Thank goodness we're finally back to Raid Loot that's actually unique!
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Imagine this for a second reconstruction with actium war rig on this thing
I managed to get a Succession with extended mag, no distractions, and snapshot sights and it wrecks in the crucible
Here are the real god rolls:
Trustee – Outlaw, Wellspring OR Surplus, Wellspring
Bequest – Jagged Blade, Swordmaster's Guard, Tireless Blade, Surrounded
Succession – Extended Mag, Reconstruction, Vorpal Weapon OR Extended Mag, Reconstruction, Snapshot (for pvp)
Commemoration – Reconstruction, Rampage OR Feeding Frenzy, Rampage
Posterity – Feeding Frenzy, Demolitionist OR Feeding Frenzy, Rampage
Heritage – Assault Mag, Reconstruction, Recombination OR Assault Mag, Auto Loading Holster, Recombination
just because reconstruction gives you more bullets doesn't mean that the weapon is automatically better. you need perks to actually use the bullets on, and when you wast a perk slot on a perk that gives you more bullets, you have one less perk slot to give your bullets a bonus. on most weapons it is on, reconstruction is just a worse auto loading holster (other than the sniper, shotgun and lmg) just please please please don't let him convince you that reconstruction is good on primaries, it isn't and is too slow to regenerate ammo while using a primary for killing trash tier enemies.
the sword is really good; i recommend using it as an add clearing machine with thresh and assassin's blade; you can also get 70 ammo with the enduring blade/guard and a backup mag which is pretty nuts!
Nah man that scout is nutty bro
Kackis what are you on? The scout rifle is amazing in pvp and pve, easily in the top 3
Thresh is broken it barely gives you anything
For me its 1. Shotty 2. sniper 3. Scout. My scout has reconstruction and well-spring. RKHD smoking some shit here. Oh and its solar unlike the sword and hand Cannon. That has been useful for that new solar modifier on the high-end content
I didn’t know where else to find this info so I thought I would come and ask the man himself. If I have completed a legend lost sector and received an exotic piece of armour, can I then complete it again and have the chance to earn an additional piece of exotic armour in the same day or will I have to wait for the daily reset. Sorry for the comment off topic to the video but I can’t find the answer anywhere! Thanks 🙂
Why was Hammerhead sunset? It wasn’t pinnacle right?
6 encounters finished and the only weapon I’ve received is the sword >.<
Yeah i gotta say, given that there are NUMEROUS swords that come with better perks even if they may not do as much base dmg for their archetype i would still put the sword at the very bottom of the tier list, not the scout.
……so the rocket launcher doesn’t count as a “raid weapon”? I mean it only drops in the raid lol
Looking at new weapons comparison when even you cant complete RAID because you are solo player💩
The scout and shotgun are my favs. I haven’t said that about a raid since Vault. Pog
Doesn't en garde only work on left click???
If only i could get a raid group from my clan to actually farm these
one for all for the new hc seems op
All my raid weapons have reconstruction, including the sword. so get rekt.
My first 2 heritage rolls, both assault mag, both reconstruction, one snapshot, one recombination, both range masterwork😬
Will probably not need a new shotty for many seasons
" I smack an enemy and get over 4000 damage with the Bequest (4221 by the way), and then I switch to the Negative Space and get no where near that much damage (3949, less than 300 damage away from that)." By the way you have tempered edge on your Bequest which still increases sword damage. Can't just manipulate the numbers to make it seem like it does way more damage than it does.
i don´t get why u would want reconstruction on the hand cannon as u will use the hand cannon as your primary and will have it out most of the time it´s a dead perk, i would probably prefer feeding frenzy
Sword is worst because not have any raid perk
“The new LMG is one of the best ad clearing weapons in the game”
Trinity Ghoul: am I a joke to you?
Can you get a random weapon drop at the end-boss for the raid ?
So he picked the scout rifle as last, because the sword is certainly bugged and can “do more damage”? That’s a fucking joke. Scout rifle is awesome, fires fast, hits hard. Unlike the sword that can literally be replaced by Lament or Falling Guillotine for every other encounter/mission in the game
Whats going on guy Rick Kackis here and it time to poorly teach you the raid, afterward you will go to dattos guide where he explains it about 20 mins less and doesnt over complicate it, then youll go to some lfgs and they will explain the raid better than me and datto ever could for some reason. Next week we will rank these weapons and give you some mediocre perk combos saying they are the god roll even thought there are much better rolls.
Did the raid last night. I got the machine gun with reconstruction and eye of the storm and shotgun with dual loader and killing wind. Thoughts anyone?
I got the sniper with killing wind and vorpal and the MG with reconstruction and rampage. The ones I still want better rolls on are all but the MG. Now I only need to the boss for the chest to buy the weapons at the end. I do want the hand cannon too, but Heritage is a must pick up with reconstruction and recombination
If reconstruction stacks with actium war rig the machine gun could get bonkers
Wow man I can believe he said the scout rifle was the worst I be like bro it top number 1 in my heart
rick, you melon, it's so big
I finished DSC after day one with 1226 Light, and got a Heritage with Extended Mag, Recombination and Reconstruction. That thing is absolutely fucking godly.