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Destiny 2 NEW CATALYSTS? BEYOND LIGHT! Taking a look at new leaked exotic catalysts.
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(Music Credits)
Lo-fi Type Beat – ‘You’re never around
I can’t wait 🙂
Can I get a catalyst for a grey weapon. Thanks bungee
Two tailed fox should be called, “third tail” n fire an arc rocket that chains lightning lol n thorn should be a straight up range n stability buff, 20 on each lol. Malfeasance have the perk proc on 4 hits instead of 5.
gimme that thorn catalyst baby
I swear if the last word catlyist isn’t good I will riot
Will there be another chance to get the Heir Apparent?
Thorn catalyst should make defeated targets explode daggers outward
Bro my jottun gonna get more hate
Thorn was already leaked to gain stability and range as its catalyst
I live with last word on my hip…let me tell you if they can improve the stability its ok…but honestly getting 12 bullets instead of the 8 can be a massive improvement to the weapon…how many times you runned out of bullets while shooting a group. It takes 3 perfect shots to kill someone im 1 bullet short for killing 3 opponents.
I dont think malfeasance needs a stability buff