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Destiny 2: Best Weapons & Armor to Get BEFORE Sunsetting (Beyond Light) Power Caps Explained, Loot to Farm NOW, Pinnacle Replacements, Recaster Benefits & How to Get Ready! (Beyond Light Weapon Sunset List)
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Spawnling’s Viable Weapon List
#Destiny2 #SeasonofArrivals Closes out Year 3 & Beyond Light Launches on 22nd September – SUBSCRIBE for DLC News, Guides, Coverage of New Weapons, Exotics & More!
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*Intro Music: Guustavv – Textural (Epidemic Sounds)
*Outro : Lensko – Circles (Provided by NoCopyrightSounds)
*Sarah, The Instrumentalist – Red Ruby (Epidemic Sounds)
*Ooyy – Gelatin Nature (Intro) (Epidemic Sounds)
*Misiatko – Alegoria
*Verbatim – Guustavv (Epidemic Sounds)
*Cool Wet Sand – Oman (Epidemic Sounds)
*Ocean Jams – Spaced (Epidemic Sounds)
*Dyalla – Beachside
*Kronicle – Wake Up
*Crying Over You – Chris Morro
*Music Beach – MBB
This video is targeted towards players who want a little more direction around what's changing with power caps, and how to take advantage of the new loot system this season – It may also be helpful for folks coming back to the game over the summer for Beyond Light! Which weapons are you guys enjoying? 😛
The gAme is shit u farm them
So all thous pinnacle weapons i grinded for weeks for are now obsolete. Talked about being fucked up the ass
This has been very helpful im returning after a years break from d2 and this information has been invaluable.
i have over 200 weapons in my vault from season 1-3 and new ones from this season bc i just came back, there’s so many god rolls bc i just hoarded all the good rolls from old weapons and now they’re gonna be pretty much useless if i keep playing :/
It’s so dumb all the grinding we do and they take are work away so dumb that’s why I play the pass then I am done why grind if there just take it all way
Dang, i'm just gonna unlock the new season armor ornaments and will use all my old gear untill i can't rank it up anymore, then i'm done, arrivals is my last expansion, very sad.😑
No, I don't think I will.
why not just make a completely new game if you’re gonna remove half of all the destinations and make all of our gear useless?
I would be alright with sunsetting if I had any confidence that Bungie could produce an ample number of weapons and armor to support the concept. Likely, they will go the lazy route and recycle weapons and armor to minimally fill the void as they have done since the beginning of D2. I am pretty sure they will lose me as a future customer.
Glad I got a full set of iron banner armor and most of the good weapons last week on my titans lol now I only gotta farm for my hunter 🤦
So I am very new and I think I get it but I am not sure. So they will be adding higher level missions into the game and the old weapons won't be able to be upgraded past a certain amount?
Bungie is slowly killing their own game. No fucking point on grinding for any weapons if they will later become pure garbage. Man I love the game but this is too much. They clearly don’t respect our time. So fuck bungie you mf’s ain’t getting my money anymore
I'm a returning player to the game who hasn't played since maxing at the start. I'm worried with stuff leaving the game that I will miss out on exotics that I will need if I want to play the game effectively going forward. What exotics do I need to get before September to remain competitive moving into the future of D2? Are anarchy and other powerful exotics going to remain important and will be a must have for raiding?
I am ready to sunset myself. Bungie should reverse sunsetting or make it not a shitty idea in the first place. Like why sunstroke normal legendaries too?
Why does this man emphasize the end of every sentence
Where can I look at the god rolls like shown at 6:55
Why do I feel like destiny is just get more complicated every update
Sunsetting is pointless and a waste of our time we grind hours and days for OP weapons just so they can sit in our vault for the next 3 years
I’ve had the realization that when it comes to games like this, if you’re going to try to go for as long as Bungie is with this, something like sunsetting seems more or less necessary. I don’t like it, but power creep is a thing and we’ve seen it. Then things like Recluse and Mountaintop(should be exotics) are irreplaceable. There won’t be better gear to use outside of a few specific encounters where activity mechanics require it. What kind of a loot game is this if there’s never any better loot to go for? It’s a catch 22. Previous investments and effort are negated but there are new things to go for.
My main issue is that since this is happening, make new gear only. Don’t re-release the same weapons. Then possibly just introduce transmog for weapons too. THAT’s what the collections system could be for. Transmog. I mean it’s mostly useless as it is now save for being able to see what you’ve earned and what you still need to earn if you’re into collecting things to check off a list.
Dude I literally had a truth teller with spike gernades , feeding frenzy, multi kill klip , quick launch and I didn't even know I had it 😅😅
i have a question: will i still be able to get a weapon after it has been sunset, or will it not drop anymore?
All weapons still going to be viable in sept november a differnt matter
How can you get the bunny ghost
Anything from this point on is pointless in D2. It is absolutely a useless game, never any more collections of weapons, only disposable weapons. Unless you have no life this is a total waist of time.
Everything Bungie is doing is because they can’t handle the size of this game anymore, they aren’t capable. They are reducing the size of the game by 60%; making weapons useless, making vault recycle bin, ripping off players and brainwashing players to believe they are all about the players. They are only interested in your money and will keep digging for it until you get smart enough to see it for what it is. They have some nerve I’ll give them that.
Thank you
why are they gutting the game…. kind of a big kick in the face for people who have been playing since the start
I'm still suuuuuuuch a newbie
Catch the sunrise so you can watch it set. I like one and done, none for me.
Bungie keeps you chasing light level to the point of stupidity not giving time to accomplish anything else. Who the hell wants to chase disposable items and never ending light. Stupid game now.
So I'm think about just dismantling everything that is powercap limited so I have tons of room in my vault to get god rolls on weapons and gear that I can fuse this upcoming season.
Jesus dude. Over have this vid is nothing but filler…
So fucking happy I spent all that time farming pinnacle weapons and god rolls smh this blows
I just got my god rolls ._. Im sad af now…
September….. 😭
A question: In the beggining of the video, you said that this will affect legendary weapons/armor. Does that mean that exotics wont be affected? Thanks.
Haven't played since 2019
So lame, I've really gotten into using black armory gear recently and I'm really enjoying it
I hate this bro the fact that will be an on going thing makes me sad and mad and not want to play the game , why keep farming if its gonna get sunsetted every seasons
Is dreambane armor being sunset
Drinking game, take a chug every time he says "this season"
I actually enjoy playing a verity of game's but destiny obviously doesn't like that and clearly want me to do nothing else other than keep grinding forever and ever and ever. Bollocks to this.
No. SUNSET ALL OF THEM META WEAPONS im sick of seeing them in PVP