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Guide for how to farm Spoils of Conquest as Fast & Easy as possible! To get new Raid Loot from The Deep Stone Crypt new Destiny 2: Beyond Light Raid! And to buy Exotic Raid Weapons!
New #Destiny2 video guide for farm spoils of conquest in the Deep Stone Crypt Raid in the New Destiny 2: Beyond Light Fall Expansion! The Fall DLC, Destiny 2 Beyond Light, is out now for PC, the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PS5! But today, we are going over the best way to farm spoils, letting you get the god rolls for amazing new raid loot, and buy old Raid Exotics like the Anarchy, some of the Best Exotics in Destiny 2! #BeyondLight #Destiny2BeyondLight
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Really doesn't hurt that the DSC Weapons are CRACKED OUT OF THEIR DANG MINDS lol
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why does this not even use any exploits they are incredibly good
Why are you reteaching the encounter? Ohhhh youtube ad money
Bungie, put down the no-fun hammer.
I thought this was a guide for a solo player… thank you tho
But the real thing is, do you know a gud way to easily farm the ascendant shards
can someone reach dmg or bungie an tell them to fix the legend sectors!!! Im 10 above rec light and i still cant get past the first parts of the sectors
I was hoping for a solo cheese strategy like that last wish plates, but thank you kackis…👍
But but the infamous red dot.
Uhh…this is neither fast nor easy. This is about as far from fast and easy as imaginable.
You can glitch threw the wall in the security and finish it in a minute 30. Bout 100 spoils an hour
3 is your interact keybind!? Wtf!? Now I'm curious what you use to swap weapons. I use 1-3 for my weapons.
3:42 You claim that you should have Operator and Scanner start in different rooms but this strat can be done with both starting in Dark together. You literally just open the door and let the scanner run through just the same.
Guys don’t watch this lol it’s a waste of time
Won't this give you a shit ton of red dots on RR?
If you put 2 hand cannon targetings on a helmet does it stack?
Do you get spoils from the last wish chests?
We all know now how to do the security encounter in the DSC. Why wouldn’t you just call this a raid encounter guide?
The title seems click-baity and there is no “fast farm” for spoils of conquests. The only farm is “do a raid encounter, get spoils.” It’s that simple.
I used to enjoy watching your content when I first started playing Destiny 2 (I’m a Destiny 2 veteran, been around since beta), but lately your video titles have become click-baity and your videos are full of useless filler information before you even get to the 10 seconds that explains it all.
It would just be far easier to explain in the first 10 seconds of the video what it’s about, then go into detail for those who wish to have than information. It saves everyone a lot of time, including you.
I do like your content, but it does get a little tiring listening to filler stuff that basically everyone already knows before you get to the actual piece of info we’re all here for in the last 30 seconds of the video.
I’ll keep watching your vids as they do have useful info in them. This comment is not meant to insult you, or degrade your work, it’s just my opinion. Think of it as constructive criticism.
But I still dont understand. How do you farm it? Are you farming it on your multiple characters or is there a way to reset the raid so you can go back to the security encounter??
Best the raid last weekend and actually lost 20 of the raid currency while accruing none throughout the raid. None of us did… the game is so bugged at the moment.
If you care about stats don't do this as this ruins your raid report
the chests you can get solo in the Last Wish raid and the Garden of Salvation DON'T GIVE ANY SPOILS. I have checked for 3 weeks with all 3 characters but nothing, nada, niets, rien du tout :'(
So the only way to get the anarchy for someone who doesn't do raids (or can't because of a lack of fireteam), it will take 8 weeks to get to 240 spoils for the Anarchy (10×3=30. 30×8=240)… and also how illogic is Bungie with this… "you missed a raid weapon? don't fret, you can do the new raid to get coins to buy it…" yeah great… I couldn't do it in the past, I can't do it now… great thinking Bungie -_-
Why don't they add like 10 spoils in a weekly contract for pvp, gambit and vanguard… now THAT would be interesting no?