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This video is about How to complete the glassway grandmaster nightfall as well as the boss cheese for this strike so you can get exotics as well as masterwork materials and adept loot! You will also be able to get the conqueror seal if you do t have it yet and you’ll also be able to get the guilded conqueror seal
And grandmaster nightfalls will be available on June 22nd and your power level has to be 1335 to go into the nightfall
And if your struggling to get to this power level make sure to farm bounties as well as the weekly challenge while using the blinding light mod on your ghost shell to get a 12% boost
And you pick up bounties from banshee,Zavala and carols while doing the glass way strike and you can do all 3 bounties
And when you get xp this will increase your artifact level power bounus
and you will also be able to get great mods from your seasonal artifact like breach and clear mod for the 30% damage boost for everyone on your fire team
and this will increase your power level helping you get to 1335 power level so you can do grandmaster nightfall
And when your going into grand master nightfalls make sure you have right champion mods
Watch to the end make sure you turn on notifications don’t forget to like and subscribe I’m at 866 subs!! let’s get to 880 subs!!
Thanks for watching
Also let’s try get 20 likes on this video 👍
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I hope you found this video helpful and you can complete this strike! also make sure to subscribe and join the discord server:)▶️
Hopefully I do this one day 1
Man that a lot of “and” 😂🤪
Good video
This didn't show or tell you anything. All it really showed was a cheeky spot to hide that had little to no line of sight at 3:57
Another great video
Mans got Stick Drift