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In this video we’ll go over the changes made to our tower social space in Destiny 2 Beyond Light. We’ll take a quick tour of the tower, talk to all the vendors, see if there’s anything new in their inventories, or if they have something new to say to us!
New maps hard, new gun hard. You'd think this game was like an old dead open source game from years ago, and some lone video game developer in his free time took it upon himself to still try to provide updates for a dedicated player base of 50 people. Like how many millions has this game made???
I actually appreciate videos like this tbh… keeps me updated thanks dude
New armour lol you mean reskins only new stuff is locked in the cash shop
I never got that sparrow yet I pre ordered it.
Why did the black armory have to close
You missed the new boot next to the postmaster with a lot of old quests and the new light quests for if veterans want to do that.
I was going to work to save up to get mountaintop from the new vendor but then i just learnt about all these weopons including my favourite gun and armer having a 1060 light limit because they have been made legacy which is really unnecessary especially for armer as you should be able to choose how you want to look and i'll just keep using my favourite gun regardless
Can you acquire the new crucible/vanguard/gambit set by turning in tokens? Or is only through the weekly challenge
You can go to the ramen shop to collect loot but it doesn’t give anything to you yet. It might be a future thing but as of now no loot, might be a troll idk
How do I get the Seasonal Armor from the Drifter? They all say “Complete Gambit Weekly Challenge” but I can’t find the challenge itself anywhere. I’ve done the 8 bounties challenge and done 3 Gambit matches but I JUST CAN’T FIND THE WEEKLY CHALLENGE
Where can I buy rain banners?
You also missed the old tower being reconstructed
Adored is so good for both over and pvp it just has the perfect combo of perks however I do wish it had a handling masterwork
Sweeper bot, ada 1, and future war cult lady are all exos and the season is about exos and the deep stone crypt. I'm seeing a connection
Hi thx for the things to show us
Also, Osiris is just straight up vibin near Ikora, just sayin
Quick question is the legacy gear sunset to 1060 or is it higher now?
It's worth noting that you can see new scaffolding and also other construction taking place up in the old tower. There was a leak that said we would go back to the OG tower sometime soon. It's looking like that's the truth now.
The heck are the glowing lights in the tower next to Zavala and stuff? My friends and I are trying to go on them as warlock titan and Hunter who have stasis but I dunno
The real tragedy is that I couldn't buy the selfie emote that day…
Left out the elevator to shaxs room
Something about the factions. Dead orbit is still there, but new monarch and future war cult are gone.
Sweeper bot being removed. That hit me in a tender spot. I think I might pass out.
Beyond Light, aka. "fuck y'all we removing half of the game so you'll be forced to buy our new trash dlcs"
Crypt TV, it’s you?
I go to one of the venders that sell then session armor and it requires a weekly challenge what is that? If anyone can tell me I would greatly appreciate it
Since the engram decoder is not with the drifter anymore where do I decode engrams? If anyone could answer this I'd really appreciate it