Destiny 2: Beyond Light – The Divide, The Glassway & Riis-Reborn Approach (Beyond Light Part 6)

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The Divide is the eleventh Story Mission from the Beyond Light expansion. Go to the Earth and visit the Steppes in Cosmodrome. Talk to the Shaw Han and he will task you with fighting Fallen in the Divide. Follow the waypoint to the nearby hole in the wall and jump down and follow the path to the Exodus Garden 2A. You will be attacked by Shanks, Dregs, Wretchs, and Servitors, so clear them out. Follow the small icon and you will reach a shielded door. Eliminate all enemies to proceed. Here, you will find Bakris, the Adamantine and a couple of Servitors. Simply activate Stasis, and the battle will be done in no time.

Next, stop the Vex in the Glassway strike.

Riis-Reborn Approach is the twelfth Story Mission from the Beyond Light expansion. After completing the strike, visit Exo Stranger so she can enhance another Splinter of Darkness. Go back to the Ziggurat to attune it and go to the Riis-Reborn Approach, which is on the far North of the map. To save some time, you can fast travel to Charon’s Crossing and follow the waypoints from there. In Riis, you will be attacked by Goblins, so clear them out and jump on the nearby platform and up to the bridge. Eliminate Dregs and head into the facility where you’ve first encountered Phylaks, the Warrior. Follow the path where the cutscene took place and drop down on the level below. Go to the Crux of Darkness and commune with it. You will be swarmed by Resilient and Heavy Shanks, and Servitors, so use your Stasis to eliminate them and never stop moving. Lastly, you will be attacked by a Technocrat’s Assistant who takes nasty sniper shots. End the communion and head back to the Charron’s Crossing. This will strengthen your Stasis, giving you a shot against Eramis.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is a major expansion for Destiny 2, a first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie. It was released on November 10, 2020, as the fifth expansion of Destiny 2. Players travel to Jupiter’s icy moon Europa to confront the Fallen Kell Eramis, who plans to use the power of the Darkness to save her people and take revenge on the Traveler back on Earth, as she and many Fallen believe that the Traveler had abandoned them before the Golden Age of humanity. The player’s Guardian also obtains this new Darkness-based power as a subclass called Stasis, which features new ice-based abilities. The expansion sees the return of the Exo Stranger from the original Destiny’s campaign, as well as Variks from the original game’s House of Wolves expansion, both of which guides the Guardian on Europa. Furthermore, Beyond Light adds other content across the game, including missions, player versus environment locations, player gear, weaponry, and a raid. Beyond Light is the first expansion of Destiny 2 to be released on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S platforms. Bungie described this expansion as the beginning of a new era for the Destiny franchise.

In addition to the expansion, some of the less played locations and activities from the first three years of Destiny 2 were cycled out of the game into what Bungie calls the Destiny Content Vault (DCV), which also includes all areas from the original Destiny. This was done to cut down on the install size of the game, but Bungie plans to cycle areas in and out of the DCV, updating older destinations to fit the current state of the game. Earth’s Cosmodrome from the original game returned alongside Beyond Light. This location mainly serves as the introductory and tutorial destination for first-time players of the New Light free-to-play base game with a full questline, but seasonal content has also been featured here. The original game’s “Vault of Glass” raid will also return during Season 14, updated with Destiny 2 mechanics. Beyond Light has four planned seasonal content offerings for Year 4 of the game: Season of the Hunt, which was available alongside Beyond Light, Season of the Chosen, which began on February 9, 2021, and the third and fourth yet to be named ones, the first of which will come in May and the last season to be announced.


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