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This week Bungie revealed Destiny 2 Beyond Light, the expansion that focuses on the new location Europa, and why the Drifter, Eris, and the Stranger are meeting there! We also know now that Bungie will be supporting Destiny 2 through 2022! Here’s all the news you need to know about the reveal and our reactions.
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I can't pre-order on PS4. Anyone else have this issue?
I highly agree with Brian’s “soapbox” part: I have no problem with weapon sun setting, but if I worked hard for the roll I wanted for a weapon (& granted they are not all god rolls) & started masterworking them, making you re-roll on weapons you already have defeats the point of bringing these weapons along for the next year of power levels; this either should be fixed or don’t bother bringing these weapons back at all
Is beyond light going to be able for purchase via psn store (pre-order)?
I miss SBMM already its been too fucking easy in crucible
I aint no little bitch who cries when PVP is a challenge thats what its supposed to be
Rollercwas hilarious thanks guys
3 more years!? I ran out of space like 9 seasons ago
Destiny 2 “sunsetted” Destiny 1.
Think on that, next time
Your throwing money at Bungie.
This is all cool, but it troubles me to think we'll be getting new consoles this year, but they'll keep dragging D2 for 3 more years of 30fps and claustrophobing FoV.
Super stoked! looking for dedicated clan admins! Search Harvesters of sorrow clan page in Playstation Communities.
If lightfall is the end then they aren’t supposed to have another game till 2025.
Destiny fans
New content announcement by Bungie: OMG this is amazing!!!
They play the content: This kinda sucks.
Nothing changes: despair and salt
New announcement: OMG this will be amazing!
Sucks they’re taking out Mars, I actually liked Escalation Protocol
I never got to see the tribute hall because of the glitch they never fixed, rip
This public event is way better than the last one. If it doesn't have to do with trials, travis hates it. I would love it if they took invading out of gambit, then gambit might be enjoyable
Yes get rid of SBMM, heaven forbid good players get matched against other good players. Now all the casuals will leave pvp because they are matched against a stack of try hards every game. Then the better players will complain about the wait times, cuz you will lose a huge portion of the player base
The issue with removing content from Destiny is simply that: it feels like a design failure. Why did you make Titan in the first place, for example, if it wasnt worth keeping around? They just made the Moon last year, why did you make half the areas on that Destination if itll never be played in a way that merits having it in a game that is Standing Room Only?
Theres also a very weird disconnect, where people are happy that destinations are going away… so that a destination that went away can come back. If its so GREAT that the Cosmodrome is back, why did it ever /leave/?
Theres also, generally, just a bummy feeling that, when you run out of current stuff to do, there isnt a bunch of old stuff you can go back and work on. Plenty of people go back to Menagerie to work on rolls when they feel theyve accomplished all the new stuff – are people not aware that the Menagerie is on the Leviathan, which is apparently also going away (despite not being a destination…)? Your favorite spot to grind Taken? Deleted. Like, the quality of the game can only /suffer/ for such destructive changes and if its such a waste of space, maybe change how you go about design content? Maybe Destinations shouldnt be a thing? It somehow feels like players will suffer for Bungies bad planning, I dunno.
The implementation for sunset and reintroduction is really bad, just as expected, there will be no reason to grind for perfect god roll anymore. If you want you can re-grind exactly the same thing you already have with a change of icon. Have fun.
I wonder if Coldheart will have it's element changed to be stasis since stasis seems more like an ice like element.
That’s okay if a weapon is sunsetted which to me means permanently gone but to bring the same weapon back with a new logo is just insulting. Disappointed in their approach to it.
On my PS4 its bugged so I csnt see the Beyond Light symbol for pre-order. Above Earth there is nothing….So hopefully they fix that so I can pre order it
The almighty could have taken out the Farm and the could have saved on some game space idk just a thought
Why would they spend time and money to rebrand the game? There's no reason to change the name from Destiny 2 as we know it. There would be confusion renaming it to Destiny because there is already the previous iteration by that name. Branding is very important so people know what game they are talking about.
Why do you guys keep pushing this terrible narrative about Destiny 3? How many times does Bungie have to say that they don't want to pour a huge amount of resources into remaking the game when it is already able to expand and handle everything Bungie wants? There are things that need to be fixed but redoing everything to fix some bugs is a huge waste of resources.
“Whenever you feel destiny is at it’s lowest never count Bungie out” – umm are you fucking kidding me Destin? Spoken like a true access journalist. How the fuck are you ok with a dev team that in 6 years still fails, fixes things, fails and then fixes things again? A dev team that is so bad at their job they need a fall dlc to save their franchise EVERY year. A dev team that happily recycles content with new skins and acts like it’s brand new innovative content. Destiny is the only game i know of that reskins guns, enemies, armor and brings in old content yet acts like it’s new and charges you for it. A lot of events are reskinned events of older ones. Any fancy new looking enemy is just a reskin of an existing one. How the hell Destin can you tell ppl to keep faith with a dev team that actively recycles old content and charges you for it? Give your head a shake Destin.
SBMM Removal… what are you guys smoking?
It's Season 10 Trials of Osiris all over again. As a trash-tier PvP player, all I see are stomps. All I get is stomped. I got the courage to go hard in PvP Season 9 because I really wanted the Recluse. Season 10 I finally got it.
I get 30 beavers and 3 games in 90 minutes, and every game is a mercy dumpster fire. I'm totally done with PvP. I'm NOT coming back for it. Screw the crucible bounties, that's not enough to make me keep returning to get stomped.
Us bottom-feeders are going to vacate and as each bottom-tier drops out, it'll just get super sweaty.
With VOG returning, does that mean Venus is returning?
Travis is so salty.
Have not touched the shit product, since getting Savior and it seems, no reason to touch it still. Not that I matter. Just saying. And i'm sure there are plenty of other consumers, feeling the same.
Will there be new Stasis armor and guns??
I honestly dont give a shit if they bring back old strikes if theres literally zero purpose to run them. like seriously. what is the point of running strikes besides just farm bounties in -.-0
Actually Europa looks like shit. ANY snow/ice level is just made as a lazy way for devs to make a "unique" looking level. Who wants to look at devoid of color white textures all the time. It's an easy to build shortcut. No ideas for a new level? I know let's just use other things we've built and throw a white texture over it and call it a new ice level….amazing. Hopfully there's a lot of underground or covered sections so we're not looking at boring white all the time.
Witherhorn sucks ass is pvp guys. I went against an entire team of ppl using it in comp and it was so easy to avoid it was stupid. Since it doesn't 1 shot all you gotta do is step like 2 steps to the side and it's got such a slow velocity you can move b4 it gets anywhere near you. The other team didn't get a single kill against any of us with the dumb thing it's so bad and they were all unbroken also.
Yea Bungie needs to comment on the "new" exact copies of year old weapons. This can't be the way they're gonna do sunsetting and maybe it's just because there would be vacancys in the loot pool if they didn't do this. But even that could mean Beyond Light won't have that many new weapons and will be similar to Shadowkeep or even Forsaken in terms of new loot and not like Taken King like we want and need. But either way it's a complete slap in the faces of ppl that grinded forever for a godroll that's getting sunset only for an EXACT copy of it the be introduced a season b4 they're even caped that only have a new logo and max level. If it was a problem of weapon vacancy then just update the ones we already have, don't make us regrind the exact same thing with the exact same rolls b4 the old ones are even sunset. It was supposed to allow for new unique and powerful weapons to be made and they said older weapons would be reissued later down the road with new perks and the litteral next season l, like 3 weeks, after saying that they do the opposite and give us exact copies with no new perks. We have great rolls on those already with high kill trackers and materials used to masterwork them that is just gone. Again it would be fine if they waited a couple seasons and gave new perks but for Christ's sake they did the exact thing ppl were worried about not even a month after saying they wouldn't lol. They need to address this now or ppl are gonna start getting more upset later in the season. Esp when they realize the good farms for the old versions won't be available and the new ones drop in general loot pools making farming an exact roll impossible so ppl will have worse versions of them next year.
Gambit without invaders is not Gambit. It's a public event. Invaders is what makes Gambit.
You have to do the public event about two times each week to unlock the story mission
Destiny 2 is a bad game purely because it's a worse game than Destiny. if Bungie upgrade Destiny 2 to 60fps that's the only tangible improvement i see but the networking, netcode, whatever you want to call it is absolute trash. Eververse – absolute trash. Recycled content – absolute trash. sunsetting gear and content – absolute trash. ret-cons/disregarding/dismantling of the lore – absolute trash. more is wrong with Destiny 2 than right.
You guys are so far removed from what the average player thinks that it concerns me how much bungo listens to your takes.
Fighting a new enemy? How about deep stone exos?
37:00 – I'm not for or against sbmm, but the ignorance of a "more relaxed" pvp experience is unbelievable. Pvp is a zero sum game… a "more relaxed" experience for one person is a sweatier experience for someone else. I'm all for removal of sbmm, but don't say it is because it will make a "more relaxed" environment. Only people who are "more relaxed" are those who are in the higher skill brackets. The lower skill bracket of players will yield a worst experience… this problem is further compounded when you realize most of the lower skilled players don't want to be in pvp to begin with. Most of them are only in pvp to get the stupid powerful gear drops they need in order to go an actually play the pve content they want to play. Destiny's progression system is so stupid and flawed, but that is a rant for another day. Thanks for the podcast.
I am 100% on board with why they're taking stuff away. It's as they said, the game is too large to keep building on top of it and the planets of mars, io, titan, mercury are stuff that isn't played that much. You could do stuff to make those destinations more enticing, but again, when a brand new planet is on it's way and cosmodrome coming back, those destinations are gonna be even less enticing to go to. If what i've heard is any indication their disappearance will be woven into the narrative as well. Not to mention it'll be easier to maintain in terms of bugs. What I will be sad to see go is indeed leviathan. I don't play on menagerie that much but I know those who do, not to mention I like the tribute hall to restock my ammo before I go do stuff. I just hope we get something like the tribute hall again.
Why couldn’t they fully give us Mars? Destiny and Destiny 2 Mars combined would give us plenty of content.