Destiny 2: Beyond Light Review/Rant… A Veteran Player Perspective on the Expansion/Franchise

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Destiny 2: Beyond Light Review/Rant. In this video I go in depth about the current Destiny 2 expansion Beyond Light. I talk about things from day to day playlists, seasonal content, sunsetting, what Beyond Light offers etc. Beyond Light has it’s pros and cons but I feel like the cons heavily out weigh the pros. I think Beyond Light has potential like most Destiny yearly expansions but, I feel like the endgame is SEVERELY lacking, loot doesn’t feel aspirational besides a couple of items, etc.. At this stage in the franchise I would hope that Bungie understands and knows what the endgame oriented side of their player base wants and needs but it appears that they don’t. I also would think that in this stage of the franchise, Bungie would be innovating because the game is in dire need of a BREATH OF FRESH AIR. So far it is just the same old same old with Beyond Light. I will give Bungie kudos though, being able to farm the new raid for currency to get an extra reward is nice but still this is something they’ve done before with Rise of Iron in Wrath of the Machine… it’s not the same concept to a T because you can actually choose what you want in DSC but it’s just not enough imo… Unless there is more time gated content, I honestly wouldn’t hold my breath.. Don’t even get me started on the vaulting of content especially as much as they took from us. Leave your thoughts down below on Beyond Light.. are you still enjoying it? Have you dropped it and said forget it? Let me know below, I’m genuinely curious.

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22 thoughts on “Destiny 2: Beyond Light Review/Rant… A Veteran Player Perspective on the Expansion/Franchise”

  1. Damn and I was thinking of coming back to Destiny 2 but I never played Forsaken and Shadowkeep. Fired it back up, and everything is so confusing ngl 😂. Glad to hear about the issues you have and how you feelin about it man.

  2. d1 was the best. The guns was good the pvp (trials) was perfect and raids was banging. The raid guns banging. Trials loot banging. They cant even give u a full set of weapons in d2 trials and they are the same d1 weapons lol

  3. So to an extent, i disagree with alot of things.
    First off, the idea that they guns they introduced arent worth getting purely on their own merit, is absurd. Sunsetting happened once in D1, aka in TTK aka when people came back, and no it didnt technically happen again, except D2 came out. D1 never got a 4th year, and it barely got a 1st year. D2 is in an unprecedented state, that D1 was never in. Needless to say though, the guns that got sunset, should have got sunset. D2 would be awful, if Mountaintop, and Spare Rations, and all those legendaries remained the best. Its not a case of "make better guns", thats not a thing, or it destroys game balance and creates an escalating scale you cant control.
    But the weapons we have now are great. All the Europa/Raid weapons are amazing, the Hunt weapons are hit or miss, and the world loot, while having previous seasons, is pretty even. There are good guns here, not to mention weapon balance is strong enough, where most of the weapons are viable, with some standing out as more or unique eg the raid. This anti sunsetting thing is just garbage. It makes no sense. "oh theres nothing to grind cos i cant use my old guns", thats not a thing.

    I'll agree sunsetting wasnt perfect, and that they need more guns in general, but the idea that youre only getting them because of sunsetting is a flat out lie, or something you just have to accept.
    Im getting them for both reasons, sunsetting and theyre good weapons.

    Second… Im sorry, but Destiny cannot be infinitely viable, and im sick of people acting like TTK, and ROI, has infinite content. They landed with a big splash, yes… then you waited a YEAR. Realistically, if D2 had the same model, everyone would stop playing in 3 months. Simple as that. Maybe come back for events and IB. Thats not sustainable. Yeah, expansion comes out, and its not as huge as those, but the content model is completely different. Im not gonna use covid as an excuse either, cos people have to be aware of that by now.
    Take a break. This idea that Destiny must always have something to do is nonsense. Ive been playing an MMO for 7 years. You think i log in every week? No. Thats silly. I wanna play other things. Destiny and FFXIV, are basically taking turns with my attention. Just stop playing, it doesnt and cannot be the infinity game. Sorry.

  4. I completely agree with everything you've mentioned here, it really sucks because Destiny is one of my favorite franchises of all time but it feels like Bungie's care and intention is dipping, I really do think it is more than just a budgetary thing. Hopefully these things will get better with time. I've dropped a sub, keep up the videos 🙂

  5. I really hate to say it but I think this is the beginning of the end for destiny, to me it’s Crystal clear that bungee do not have the resources or time to support this game anymore without activisions support

  6. Sunsetting happend in D1 with TTK wha wha I'm so tired of hearing that…TTK brought SO SO MUCH MORE shit to the game than BL. D2's seasonal model is not working anymore, ever since the menagerie the seasonal content has been lackluster crap that I wouldn't even call content. D1 didn't have seasonal content but yet I have twice as many hours in D1 than I do in D2, that is odd considering I keep reading that D1's drought in between expansions…but I never experienced that. D2 is no longer catering to the hardcore player base anymore, its targeting in between casual and hardcore

  7. xivu arath and eramis were just the next generic boss to beat the shit out of and forget about in 2 days
    also they NEED to rework the core stuff because that is the stuff that's replayable
    with gambit they had lots of weapons now that heavy GL is the only thing to chase

  8. As a vet player I feel the same way about there being nothing to do. D1 will forever be better because of what was in it, everything wasn’t perfect but it was worth your time to grind. D2 was crap from the start, it took forsaken to save the game which is still carrying the game on best DLC’s. Beyond light pretty much is a joke of an expansion and for $50 I shouldn’t lose half of the game planets and loot!

  9. Was I the only one that thought the "no time to explain" was broken on launch and for a few days after?? I did my own short rant over d2 and someone commented saying it wasn't broken. Was I the only one who though it was broken?

  10. Well you're not wrong bro. I myself am a heavy storyline supporter of destiny 2 but to be honest on my end the development of the expansion looked pretty weak compared to the Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansions. I also didn't find the DeepStone Crypt raid enjoyable other than the Clovis Bray background and the origin of the Exos. The exotics were sort-of good though the Salvation's Grip and Cloudstrike look really good. I just wish Bungie would put on better maps for Strikes, Gambit and Crucible but that's just me.

  11. My man, thank you. Excellent job! Finally a content creator telling the truth and not pumping us with what if Bungie did this type information. I love Destiny since d1 xbox360 but Bungie is definitely scamming. Is it that bungie cant or they wont? Bungie wants us to play Bungie's Endless Grinding Game the "Bungie Way" versus giving us a game to play that's fun for Destiny community.

  12. i comeback from 2 season break
    after 2 weeks i have nothing to do
    i don't grind for weapon because sunseting
    I was shocked when i fused my old weapons and it's only 1060, i have to jump con destiny dc to ask what the hell happened as if im bugged or something and find out about this sunsetting bullshit
    I can did all like so called "endgame" contents with just any guns, even without masterworked
    The only thing that i think good is those solo lost sector, it's challenging and be able to get the exotic piece that u want is amazing to me
    this game is not rewarding all ready, then with all the sunsetting stuff, din't think i can put any effort to grind like before
    wrathborn is trash, AS FUK, and uldren sov become guardian, fuk it


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