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Destiny 2 BEYOND LIGHT PREP GUIDE! Everything You Should Do!
Hey Crew!
Today I wanted to go over what I am doing to prepare for Beyond Light when it drops in about a month! So this is basically my Beyond Light prep guide and hopefully you guys find this helpful.
This guide is strictly for helping or most likely helping you when Beyond Light drops to have a leg up on the new content so you can raid sooner or play trials sooner or even just unlock your full artifact and season pass quicker and also the new Stasis subclasses if that ends up being anything experience needed related! And remember that anything I suggest in this video could change because Bungie has not clarified a lot of these things yet and could easily switch it up before Beyond Light Drops.
If you do enjoy this video or found it helpful then please hit that subscribe button as we are pushing for 35,000 subs before the end of the year and also leave a like on the video and let me know in the comments if there is anything else you guys would recommend or change so hopefully it can help out other Guardians as well!
#1 On my list is to save those Bounties! Especially weekly bounties that you complete. If you don’t currently need the rewards they give them save them because those reward some great Experience for you and will get the ball rolling much quicker when Beyond Light drops. The Weekly Bounties are all over, You can grab them at the Gunsmith, Crucible Vendor, Vanguard Vendor, Clan Vendor for the clan bounties and Gambit Vendor as well, You can also go to the Moon and Grab 2 from Eris and 2 from the Lectern. There is also weekly trials bounties as well if you want to dip your toes in there but be ready for them to be bite right off cause trials is a sweat fest right now. Once you have all the weeklies then go for the daily bounties from
Gunsmith, Crucible and Vanguard because they will reward you with tokens and mats that can be used early next season in Beyond Light.
#2 Save Exotic Engrams and don’t pick them up if they drop in the wild. This will send them to your Post master so as long as you keep your post master pretty clean then your good. You want to open these when the new season drops but we don’t know for sure if these Exotics will have the
new loot pool of Beyond Light or not but it doesn’t hurt to save them just in case!
#3 I have seen a lot of people talking about how you should grind for these top 5 legendary weapons for Beyond light but here is my problem with that. We don’t know what the Sandbox will be like for sure in Beyond Light and we also don’t know what weapons are coming with Beyond light and what perks they might or might not have. So with so many unknowns regarding
those your best bet is to go for any Exotics that you are currently missing! Get them now since a lot of those planets will be vaulted, Bungie has said they will be unattainable in some other way in the future but we just don’t know when that is or how so I would get it done now if you can. I would get Anarchy for sure if you guys can cause it is one of the Best PVE weapons in the game! I would also get Whisper of the Worm, Outbreak Prime and Izanagis Burden.
#4 Pick up any armor mods that you can from Banshee everyday! This is a simple one just log in and check him and buy the mod if you don’t have it because a lot of those are used in great builds!
#5 Stock up on plantery materials basically from Spider. As of now Bungie hasn’t told us what is staying and what isn’t
#6 Just stock up on Ascendant Shards, Prisms and Enhancement Cores and also stock up and save your tokens! Tokens are huge to power level in Beyond light and I will cover that in power leveling video for Beyond Light but the jist of it is they can be used for gear that has fallen behind in a certain slot so it takes the rng a little more out of waiting for lets say a chest piece to drop at power level.
#7 Would be getting the Catalyst for any of those weapons that you have not got because we just don’t know when and where and if they are coming back!
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Let me know if there was anything I missed so you can help out others as well! Thank you all! 🙂
This is a really decent guide for new light player's, good refresher for everyone else.
Thanks so much plunder!! I need to make sure I’m NOT lazy and need to grind everything out. Lol
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Thanks for the tips!
Nice video🔥I subbed 👍I also make destiny 2 content 😀
So should I just grind bounties for the next few weeks? And what are some good weapons for the raid for the anarchy?
Loved the video as always! Wanted to share something I discovered. A lil off topic but if you have the original curated horror story and breytech werewolf in collections you can pull them out. They will retain they’re curated rolls but the power limit is increased to 1360 vs 1060. The curated rolls were in my opinion better then the possible rolls from current haunted forest.
I’m so prepped
Works for me. Nice one.
You are appreciated. Started doing most of these things. Totally forgot Aris has weekies as well.
Everything to be done. Do not play this game. Easiest decision.
So helpful, thanks!
And that’s why I have 2.5k iron banner tokens lol
It’s stupid how I lost all my upgrading materials from my post master .. literally just threw away all weeks worth of NF grind.
Only 26 days an all my classes are 1060+ but not close to 1090 what do i do!
Your void warlock build is so 🔥 been using it since you made the video..
I'll tell you what I am doing. Festival of the Lost is on until Nov 3rd. Eva Lavante has a legendary treat bag you can buy that rewards, between 1-3 enhancement cores and occasionally drops enhancement prisms. Also drops legendaries that will drop enhancement cores or matterweaves. While farming those I grab the repeatable bounties from her, they give bright dust. I've already doubled my bright dust in 2 days and have gotten 50+ enhancement cores and 13 prisms from that farm. I'm surprised I haven't seen any YouTube videos on this farm yet.
Wait I have a dumb question. If they're daily and weekly, don't they expire? Or do I get them just a day or so before tell release?
I’m almost done with a whole bunch of bounties and tomorrow I’m gonna start token farming for vanguard tokens
This really only affect power levelers needing Powerful drops, but popping a previous season's bounty caps your next Powerful drop for that vendor. They've implemented things like this to level out competition for World's First races. Check 1/25/19 TWAB which mentions popping a a Vanguard bounty as the 8/8 needed for a drop will result in a capped challenge reward. Same happens with your next Crucible/Gambit rank up reward.
I still hoard bounties as power leveling the season pass right away is more important to me than 1st week light rush. And there are ways around that lock.
I'm also a 40+ a week worker that grinds the game. Appreciate the extra work you do making videos. Keep it up
Save bounties that are going away? Save engrams that are predetermined rolls? We've tried all this before with major expansions and it's always to no avail. Masterwork economy is changing. My advice is don't save a damn thing because you'll get more use out of whatever more now than later.
Any good titan build to start? I started playing this weekend
The hunter exotic looks like general grievous lol