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Players are experiencing a drop in their power level from having the Witherhoard exotic weapon still equipped after Bungie makes it unselectable.!/tid=CUSA00572_00
Withahord got locked since it isn’t working as intended so till it’s patched it’s unusable
If people stepped into the blight for a millisecond in crucible, they would die. That’s why they have it bricked.
Same thing just happened to me my witherhoard
Thanks, I couldn't figure out wtf was going on. I just started on my warlock and he was in the 900s. No info anywhere I could find except here
it’s cause of crucible and the blight last for so long it’s so easy to get kills
Same think by me
Disable it from crucible not pve wtf
good that they did that it was op especially in crucible
I kinda feel proud that I am higher power level then you (:
Yooooo the same shit happened to me bro almost word for word seriously laughing.
It's because of witherhoard. Bungie is trying to fix it, It's an unavailable weapen until they nerf it. Same thing with the Rose, I don't know why tho.
My vesper of radius a exotic warlock chest is doing the same thing why