Destiny 2: Beyond Light Original Soundtrack – Track 17 – Europa November 9, 2020 by destinygame Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about Destiny 2 ➜ To celebrate the arrival of Destiny 2: Beyond Light, the official soundtrack is available now! Purchase the soundtrack for Destiny 2: Shadowkeep from the Bungie Store: source
Sounds very mechanical with the beat going on in the background. Who knows what this song could be??? (It's europa) Reply
guys i know this may be a stretch but think about it "europa" i think this may be the europa music Reply
Bro can we all agree that bungie creates some of the best soundtracks in gaming?
this one kinda reminds me of “Efrideet” from the Rise of Iron soundtrack
This could just be the main music when traveling europa.
Welcome to a planet that's been planed since D1 Guardians!
this sounds like your entering europa
1:58 probably the part when you land on Europa
Better be a beautiful long cutscene skimming across Europa in my ship to fit this music.
Sounds very mechanical with the beat going on in the background. Who knows what this song could be??? (It's europa)
This is def gonna play when we’re on patrol
guys i know this may be a stretch but think about it "europa" i think this may be the europa music
this kind of reminds me of c418s Minecraft tracks in a way.
yes, i ill stay for 30 minutes in europa only to see the snow storm
gotta admit Bungie get extremely high marks when it comes to their music
tHiS hAs tO Be rAiD mUsIc
where is the signal coming from?
epic bad-ass music*
This one kinda sounds like Zelda Skyward Sword music.
Shout out to M Z!!!!!❤️
I like europa now lol
Halo vibes, love it!
I love the Ringbell sound😍