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Destiny 2 Beyond Light Oracles in Last Wish Raid! Final Wish Incoming to Break Dreaming City Curse?
Oracles have been discovered in Last Wish raid! What does this mean?
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#Destiny2 #BeyondLight #LastWish
I was there for the live stream and I hope this blows up
i think the Oracle sound is a bug fragment that was accidentally dropped into Last Wish from what is in the game of VoG (which comes later this year)
The curse will likely end next year because of Savathun
Intriguing notion.
I think it’s cool that we actually can hear it. Even if it’s a glitch, it still brings a bunch of nostalgia.
How do you know its a wish?
You should check out this video he can trigger the sound multiple times
I think you might be the new byf. Plus I love theories!!!
Maybe there is a code with all the other wishes that must be put together. Possibly the exo stranger might play a role, cuz of time travel.
We use vex tech to go back in time and stop the curse from happening in the first place. That or we just kill Savathun.
I think it’ll probably end on the witch queen dlc
The vex do simulations so it would make sense the vex found the dreaming city and are simulating it repeating trying to find a way to break somethings hold or to master what the awoken knowledge 🤔.
Hope ur feeling better pause have a good night,ur the goat
It may have to do with the Riven damage fazes. where you call out the symbol to you teammate to clear. Also may need a wish to make viable.
I dismantled my ascendant lens cuz i needed space
I believe it may have something to do with Quirua blade transformed. It's the one vex that links, vex, hive, taken and savathun. Crota opened the door to daddy's throne room, oryx tax the vex mind gives to savathun. Savathun makes a wish to start the curse using Quiria and riven. I think the vex may have stumbled upon the timeline that Quiria is residing in, they'll use the Oracles and vex tec to break the 3 week cycle and reclaim Quiria to "learn" what has been recorded. As to how we find the stuff…wait till raid secrets break the puzzle again.
hi I'm Kyle ripple remember me pause i was in ur live stream
Well exos are from Vex, and Oracles r a vex thing sooo… DSC theory lookin ok.
We are going to find out the last wish through the valt of glass raid coming out later
What about those weird dead trees that have turned up in the Dreaming City and The Tangled Shore?
Hey! I played a Survival match against you two days ago. Nice to see you on here 🙂
since the vex are noted time travelers exploring alternate timelines…One could speculate you move to an alternate timeline the curse never occurs with is potentially prevented by the taken or attempted to be prevented by them. So could envision a multi-tiered activity with getting the right wish to unlock the oracles, Shooting the right combo or oracles triggers a round 1 of Taken to try to stop you…. and since bungies does things in three having a rinse/repeat for three tiers each one progressively getting harder. Or a reskined riven fight, since it is the raid, just before she placed the curse…something like that. Would be an interesting and amazing plot twist.
Its an oricle