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Destiny 2 Beyond Light New Strike Armor Set Preview Get to Zavala. There are now multiple ways to get Armor set, including this Phobos Warden Armor Set from Zavala. Each vendor, Strike, Gambit and Crucible has a different armor set.
Bro they made Zavala, Shaxx, and Drifter’s armor reward all the same. I don’t know how I feel about it but they are all the same just different colors I’m very confused
Do we have to complete both weekly challenges to get them
How do we unlock this gear??? Somebody help please
Can someone help me? I do the weekly challenge for vanguard but I can’t buy the armour. I have enough crystals for it all and I can’t get it 🙁
I never see this armor set. It’s literally always the reskinned ODST Helmet that Gambit and Crucible has.