Destiny 2 Beyond Light is a SCAM (Do NOT buy this)

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The cycle just continues…
#destiny2 #beyondlight

DISCLAIMER: I’m not saying Warframe is any better for those who get the wrong idea, that’s a whole different topic I will be addressing.
P.S Before you comment, at least watch the entire video first.
Will be doing a Ghostrunner review soon, so stayed tuned for that!

Songs Used:
Pabzzz With You:

Pabzzz For You:
MrHeadA$$Trendy – MankyMan (Instrumental)


44 thoughts on “Destiny 2 Beyond Light is a SCAM (Do NOT buy this)”

  1. Your bang on friend. Plus they've done everything in their power to try and slow player down tanking enemies up pluse speeding them up and having no hit power drop off. I got 1 shot for other end of map and I could just see enemies lol game turned it to a joke

  2. Who knew Bungie would get so GREEDY and more desperate after leaving Activision? I guess this is what we get.. I miss the old Destiny so bad. I don't know if we will ever get back to the glory days to be honest.

  3. Not to mention 3 exotic weapons in the season pass, 1 in the expansion. 2 hours of story in the expansion, and I'll bet the season pass will give a similar result, beyond light should of costed 10 bucks, maybe 15

  4. We know damn well they’re probably focusing on that new IP so they’re just recycling content in destiny to milk people’s wallets. People shouldn’t be surprised since they’ve been doing this since 2014/2015.

  5. I bought the DLC because what choice was there to avoid being limited to EDZ, Nessus, Tangled Shores/Dreaming City, and the Moon. Whats sad is I paid for Warmind and they took that away if they present it again in the future I better have it unlocked otherwise Bungie can kiss my ass if they think I'd pay again for content I already owned. This was the first negative video on the subject mirroring my thoughts most other youtubers are shilling for Bungie simply because they built their entire channels around Destiny 2 so of course they will favor this shit and continue to lick Bungie's boot. I should have got borderlands 3 instead of this rinse and repeat sad excuse for a looter shooter.

    The only time I seen content taken away was in other free to play games where lazy devs removed a beginner zone to later re-introduce it as new content for end game with up scaled enemies. But this is the first time I seen a notable premium game developer deliberately remove content with the implied intent on re-releasing it later. This practice if unchecked will serve as the basis for other companies to remove and recycle content. Much like how WoW normalized a subscription based game service.

  6. Honestly I didn't mind to campaign stasis is fun….but only in pve. In crucible everything broken about it endgame is boring, loot isn't here, again repeatable activities. Only thing that looks good are the raid weapons thats it other than that to anyone wanting to buy this depressing game please save your money and spend on something that you know you'll enjoy for a while.

  7. What a damn shame destiny 2 has come to, paying to play for the game, not only that they're charging people for a old exotic weapon from destiny 1. Bungie's incompetency is showing and they need to own up to their failure and apologize to the community and give refunds back to people who paid for the expansion.

  8. Warframe just came out with a huge update that added to their huge update that had new animals to hunt, a new story, a new open world map, and a mech that they put out a couple of months ago. War Thunder just announced their biggest update with new graphics, engine, battle ships and more. GTA5 is coming out with a new DLC that adds a over 100 new songs to the radio, a new heist, vehicles and island. All three of those DLCs are 100% free and take away no already existing content. I was gona add about 100-150 more words summing up and finishing this comment, but if you stop and think for a second, I don't think I have to.

  9. they're taking the piss now, i regret buying it and wish i could get a refund.
    after a week im utterly bored now and have nothing left i want to do, its definitely not a game for solo players, most of the content is aimed at MP
    removing content, sunsetting and replacing 4 planets that ive already paid for with just one planet is BS and constant reskinning of loot
    are they going to unvault titan one day and charge me again? fuck that im out, never buying another destiny DLC ever again

  10. Coming from destiny 1 which i love, but dude i seriously wanna support destiny but nothing seems to do it for me, sure i had fun playing the raids, zero hour and whisper when bugged and i only bought the first expansions back in the day and saw everything d2 has to offer solely from those. My friend made me go through the pain of buying the game on sale otherwise i wouldn't 😂

    D2 is a great game i would love to support but can't seem to do it blindly and it hurts to say that

  11. To add my take, I’d say with all the content they’re adding, it’s probably worth $5-$10, but i wouldn’t go any higher than that. Essentially they give you a few weapons to grind, a short campaign (that you have to redo 3 times, once per character) a super, and reskined content (i know, real surprise). Also they lie to you (once again, real surprised 🙄) so that after they get your money, you’re already locked in. “Might as well play the game i just spent $50 on” but in reality it’s only showing them that they can take advantage of their community. We support bungie, they never support us. They won’t listen to the feedback we give them, because they can’t profit off it. Destiny 2 needs to be boycotted or else they will continue to scam us. But of course, not enough players would be willing to do so, i can say that i fall into this category, though I’m trying to change. In conclusion, feedback will always support the game, and the only way to make this game better is to give the developers “a taste of their own medicine”. Don’t talk about destiny 2, don’t tell anyone to buy it or download the free install, let the hype die. Once they see 90% of their players are done, they will be demanding change. I hope this reaches people, you don’t have to completely stop playing destiny 2, but i advise you to pick a “main game” to play on your platform and only play d2 when you have absolutely nothing left to do. This game will take advantage of whoever they can.

  12. "New" things include, a reskin of the cosmodrome, new super, new planet, and blizzards….. things lost include, 5 locations, raids, previous DLC inaccessible because locations are no longer there, etc. Yeah, it's not good, especially for free to play folks. Had a couple buddies download the FtP version a couple weeks ago. Do you think they want to put money into a game that wiped all of their progress away?

  13. MOST agreed! And stasis is a joke! the area's are too spread out with next to nothing as far as enemies go, the story was….adorably short and rushed and the ending makes you LITERALLY say "thats it??". You are basically paying 50+ dollars for a bunch of sparrow flying in a plain snowy terrain. So I agree with this video 1000%!

  14. I wouldn’t say that it’s not worth. They released the game in a bad state, but all of the content is being added over time. Even the loot changes are coming by next week. Great video tho, you have some good points.

  15. So I played 60 dollars at launch… now I come back to play and all the fucking content is removed? And I'm supposed to pay like $100 do be able to play this game because all the content I already played is gone? Is this a fucking joke?

  16. Can't believe destiny 1 players let bungie get away with locking players who didn't own the dlc, out of the base game content. That was enough for me to not follow the scummy business practises of bungie

  17. Is sad when after two weeks after launch the game gets boring cause theres nothing to do gambit is worse than ever crucible is a meme only 2 new strikes so they get old pretty fast Europa is bleh new weapons are a joke and the seasonal activity no words makes me miss even seraph towers.


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