Read more about Destiny 2 ➜
Welcome to the eleventh episode of the ‘Destiny 2 Beyond Light’ campaign. Within this video, i begin my journey towards completing this campaign. It is rather different to previous games that i have played through but it is still possible!
Destiny 2 is a first person shooter game that is set within a ‘mythic science fiction’ world. Therefore, this game has many different and futuristic mechanics.
My favourite mechanic within this game is still the ability to jump then glide. This allows you to jump high then by continuing to push and hold the ‘A’ button (on Xbox) you can hover down. The main reason why this is an important feature is due to it being a great source of mobility and with this having such an open world this comes in clutch.
So far i have made several achievements, i have completed the next two missions and im on my way over to the next mission. As Well as this, there are several quests that you can pick up in between missions so that you can earn more rewards. These rewards can be new weapons, abilities or even armour pieces.
I hope you have all enjoyed this eleventh episode, thank you everyone for watching and have a good rest of your day!!