And now they admit they have nothing new and will recycle most old content. The game is dead, I feel like you only have teams of graphic designers and coders. All the story tellers and writers walked away for different projects. Bungie is literally beating a dead horse at this point
Why not bloodbourne 2 And Jak 4
And now they admit they have nothing new and will recycle most old content. The game is dead, I feel like you only have teams of graphic designers and coders. All the story tellers and writers walked away for different projects. Bungie is literally beating a dead horse at this point
Love how vidocs are now literally just apple commercial.
Same product just newish paint job. Again.
Vid starts at 29:30.
Taken 2.0 let's goo
it starts 29 minutes in… srsly ?
This game needs to get scrapped. It’s had its chance
Oh sure they give you back your character's voice but only because of a ancient being talking to you in your head
Damn. Trim the video
Destiny should've died since the fiasco that was since the beginning. EA does it again and never fails to disappoint
September? are you NUTS? It's cyberpunk time my dudes…
Jesus they announced 2 years of content… that’s more than we’ve ever gotten
Destiny 2: beyond dead game
"Eyes up gaurdian" that gave me chills.
Yes yes yes YES!
It looks like fallen dlc again. I dont think we will get darkness for couple of yrs