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A guide showcasing the locations of each stasis chest for the Crystocrene Armor set from Variks. These armor piece quests become available from Variks after completing certain missions within the Beyond Light campaign and Empire’s Fall quest.
01:41 – Crystocrene Legs (Bray Exoscience)
03:02 – Crystocrene Arms (Bray Exoscience) Chest #1
04:03 – Crystocrene Arms (Eternity) Chest #2
05:31 – Crystocrene Class Item (Perdition Lost Sector)
06:44 – Crystocrene Chestpiece (Riis Reborn Approach) Chest #1
08:36 – Crystocrene Chestpiece (Riis Reborn Approach) Chest #2
09:28 – Crystocrene Chestpiece (Technocrat’s Iron) Chest #3
10:34 – Crystocrene Helm (Nexus) Chest #1
12:13 – Crystocrene Helm (Well of Infinitude) Chest #2
13:28 – Crystocrene Helm (Well of Infinitude) Chest #3
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01:41 – Crystocrene Legs (Bray Exoscience)
03:02 – Crystocrene Arms (Bray Exoscience) Chest #1
04:03 – Crystocrene Arms (Eternity) Chest #2
05:31 – Crystocrene Class Item (Perdition Lost Sector)
06:44 – Crystocrene Chestpiece (Riis Reborn Approach) Chest #1
08:36 – Crystocrene Chestpiece (Riis Reborn Approach) Chest #2
09:28 – Crystocrene Chestpiece (Technocrat's Iron) Chest #3
10:34 – Crystocrene Helm (Nexus) Chest #1
12:13 – Crystocrene Helm (Well of Infinitude) Chest #2
13:28 – Crystocrene Helm (Well of Infinitude) Chest #3
Hope you enjoyed the video/found it helpful!
If you have any questions, please comment them down below.
You deserve much more love tbh thanks for this guide
Can u get it back if you accidentally deleted it?
Got all the pieces for the chest piece but I go to Variks and he just shows bounties
I finished beyond light but still need two pieces how do I get the quest from Variks?
Im confused you guys are talking about these weird quests i talked to zalvala but i ony got the arms legs and chestplate and a quest called Reclaiming Europa do you know what to do?
When u hit 11:37 mine was locked how do I unlock it
i've dismantled then, where can I get them again?
Yo even if you don't have the campaign, can I still get it because I'll be getting it later but not at the moment could someone else with status break it for me
I tried to get the helm unlocked all the chest but when I go back to Vakris he does not give me the helm
I was only able to get arms and cloak before the quest disappeared anyone know why?
What if i dont have enough to do the eurpoan gear II quest for the gear (the sabotage from variks)
New subscriber here you deserve a lot more subs! Awesome guide thanks
Thx fam. i really needed that
What heavy weapon is that @ 1:20
I think it would be so awesome if there was armor sets based on mythological creatures. I even came up with some names. Like a set for the Hunter called Wendigo. A Titan set called Yeti. And for Warlock called Barbegazi. Just some ideas there.
I got all three chests for the helmet, didn’t say I had anything at Variks, went back and double checked, I had opened all of them. Still nothing. Anyone got tips for what happened?
Your a legend my guy thanks for the help chief
I only got the quest for the arms legs and class and nothing else
I did all the things for the helmet and didn't get the quest?
Man i got all the pcs of set but why i dont get helmets? Please help
I GOT ALL 3 but all i got was anged armor it didt say quest visit varicks WHAT DO I DO
I found the helmet from killing a enforcer brig??
I don't understand why my game play is completely different. I don't get "unlock crystal" things. And I haven't been able to find the Crystocrene arms or chest armors.
How I start it
Is it possible to get pieces of the set without having the dlc, maybe in lost sectors or something like that? Collections say you can get the set from "exploring Europa" 🤔