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I don’t often make guides anymore but I decided to make one for completely new players or returning players for the Beyond Light update. I know how much trouble and mess this game can be for players just jumping in and it seemed like the perfect to do this video.
Intro (0:00)
In-game Tutorial (1:35)
Bounties (2:36)
Lost Sectors (3:05)
In-Game Menus (3:57)
Character Page (4:44)
Power Level & Loot (6:03)
Sparrow (7:23)
Destinations (8:11)
The Tower (8:32)
Core Activities & Special Bounties (9:38)
Your First Strike (11:09)
Your First Exotic Quest (12:00)
Your First Crucible & Gambit Games (14:05)
Player Goals (14:59)
Gearing Up (16:12)
Making A Build (17:22)
Infusion (18:22)
Materials (19:09)
Upgrading Gear & Weapons (20:53)
Triumps & Collections (22:27)
Vault & Exotic Archive (22:50)
Outro (23:23)
Hey all, the normal videos will be continuing in a few days, just thought it would be useful to post a guide for all the new players trying out Destiny 2 with the new DLC.
Why does everyone call it the “Cosmodrone”? It’s the Cosmodrome.
This is the best new player guide like fr thank you bro 😂
bife weater
Power Level
Soft Cap: 1200 (Level up bit by bit till that point)
Hard Cap: 1250 (easy to gain with Powerful Rewards + Pinnacle Rewards)
Pinnacle Cap: 1260 (gain PL only by doing Pinnacle Reward activities)
Bungie made Aztecross into an NPC but made him a hunter instead of a titan 🤣
why am i watching this as a yr 1 destiny 1 vet, oh yeah marco posted it. right.. right
been playing since d1 beta and i still watched this guide lol
pretty good video man, havent seen something like that so far covers all the basics and points what we rly need to know
ive been playing D2 for a long time now but i still watched this , this is fking great
I only started playing destiny in may 2020 and now I’m addicted.
* been playing since day one*
" yeah I'll watch this in its entirety"
Anyone noticed he said “You walk a bitch you shoot a bitch you jump a bit”
You will be playing with two other new players make sure you give them a warm up
Sooo, I feel like it's worth mentioning that masterworking weapons (Leveling them up to 10) does more than increase the stat. It also allows them to create Orbs of Power upon multikills. Orbs of Power gives you a bit of you super back among other things, so they're worth picking up.
I'd also like to mention that while it's fine to dismantle weapons to grab them from collections later (although they should be vaulted since that is free), exotic armor pieces should NOT be dismantled and reacquired from collections later. The exotic armor pieces you pull from collections will have MUCH worse stats than what the drop you initially got had, so word of warning there.
Finally I'd like to recommend Destiny Item Manager to any new players that find themselves using the vault often. It's an in browser app that allows you to acess your vault and the inventory of all three of your characters. It allows you to deposit and withdraw items to and from the vault on the fly no matter where you are in the game. Well worth using.
Eyes up Guardian!
Quicker guide than RickKackis
I’m just listening to this knowing I’m 1240 and just forgot how the game works
fun fact, they wasted that money for the cgi cutscene in D1, not beyond light… they just recycled it LOL
not sure whats wrong with the other destiny youtubers, but marco is way better than any of them. he explains things in such a way thats so far beyond what destiny youtubers have been doing for years. marco just started playing destiny like a few months ago and he has a better understanding of the game than any other destiny youtuber besides maybe datto, even him is below marco.
Hi 👋🏻 , does it real that they removed the story missions ? Like Homecoming and red war and the other missions?!, I can’t find them with Amanda in the hunger in the tower.
Push people off the map
So why is the beginning of the game now like destiny 1
I’ve been playing since d1 and I still watched this whole vid bc of the funny moments
Ahh yes the least important menu 'destinations' you will never be able to leave your planet don't use that
So great! You should still do division game too – you are too great to be in just 1 game = )
"intro cutscene that costed Bungie 70% of their budget", Yeah.. that's actually the just destiny 1 intro but recycled
guide unclear, stuck with 30 bounties because of not enough red circles drawn in ms paint
Good overview. Wish I had watched something like this when I started playing!
Just gonna be "that guy" and say that first CGI cutscene didn't cost them anything from the Beyond Light budget because its from D1.
“you walk a bitch, you jump a bitch, you shoot a bitch” …ok
So in the patch notes it said you have to go to ikora for the subclasses you don't have. Helpful tips for new players.
Bife Weater?…..OH!
Interesting names
7:34 More importantly why does Shawn Han turn into a laptop 🤣😂🤣😂
My God, I just can't get my head around this game. The gameplay is great and the lore looks interesting, but for fucks sake why is it so confusing?
Me with over 5500 hours in the game
6:40 thats not true
dang fool you've came a long way, i remember when you got into destiny i was so surprised. Thanks for the hard work on the video , good job.