Bungie maintenance is the final boss – Destiny 2

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Whether we wanted it or not the Season of the Chosen is about to undergo a weekly reset. If you are anything like me you will have been grinding the Warden of Nothing weekly nightfall strike to get the Swarm. I used to love it in Destiny 1 so I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it in Destiny 2. Unfortunately for me I was unable to get the Swarm to drop at all :(. I know I know I could have done the 1300 or 1330 versions but I am not a good enough gamer nor do I have the gaming chair to be able to solo them. Well 123,843,000 attempts later and I end up here, 1 minute before reset, fighting the final boss. 1 Descendant, Warden Warlock vs the impending doom of the weekly reset and the rest is history!

I am currently rank 75 of the Season of the Chosen season pass. I can’t wait to start playing through the weekly challenges and any new content that is about to come out!

Destiny 2 Beyond light is about to go through the mid – season dry patch. Luckily there hasn’t been more to do than when Forsaken was around so this shouldn’t be as bad as normal.

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29 thoughts on “Bungie maintenance is the final boss – Destiny 2”

  1. You think this is bad? Try getting divinity for 12 hours straight when the raid came out, then when we FINALLY FINISHED THE BOSS, we got that message at the bottom. Let’s just say my joystick ASCENDED upward so fast toward the end chest it broke the sound barrier.


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