Beyond Light is Not Worth $40 | Destiny 2

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Beyond Light is coming out soon and Bungie is ripping off anyone who buys the expansion. This video goes more in-depth on the value of beyond light and why all Destiny players should boycott beyond light.


45 thoughts on “Beyond Light is Not Worth $40 | Destiny 2”

  1. Now that beyond light has released I would just like to say warmind added more weapons than this “expansion” if you don’t think that’s a problem idk what to say…

    Original Comment:

    Okay judging by the dislikes a lot of people disagreed with the video. I am curious what you disagreed or if you believe I got something wrong within this video.

    So after reading comments here is what I would like to say: I think it was a mistake to call for a boycott you should all be able to do what you want with your own money. (This video explains my reasons for not purchasing).

    Also I do not think beyond light will have bad content I just do not think it will be enough for $40, if bungie included a dungeon, the season, 1-2 more strikes, and a whisper style mission I would consider that worth $40. (Some of these things may still happen).

    As for those of you who bought the expansion I hope you all enjoy it and I hope beyond light proves this video wrong.

    Finally a number of comments said I can’t criticize beyond light because it hasn’t released yet. By that logic none of you should be able to get excited or hyped for it, and no content creators should be able to praise it.

  2. I've played since day 1 release and bought every piece of dlc this game had to provide. The reason why I bought it, was because it was a game universe I enjoyed with friends. Now before you think I'm going to defend this game, don't be mistakened. I've been very tired of the changes made to the game over the course of these six years playing it. The armor system sucks. Why do we have to work so hard for our armor just to throw it all away after a few seasons pass, when armor is literally the only mechanic that significantly alters the way you play the game? The weapon sun-setting system is beyond stupid, yet I understand based on the fact it's hard to get people to try something different when you have the most effective weapon for use at all times. I'm just a weary consumer whose grown so hollow playing this game, yet I don't understand why I keep coming back to it despite knowing how bad it truly is. Literally feels like an abusive relationship in all honesty.

  3. i’ve honestly given up on destiny 2, it’s been a cash grab the entire time. 60 dollar game with expansions that you still have to pay tons of money for (not including people who preordered) just for the game to be free when people started quitting. if you actually want to play the game throughout the whole season, it costs over $200 without including the ridiculous transactions from everest. if they made the dlcs cheaper or better yet didn’t paywall content i would enjoy the game

  4. I haven't played BL yet, but I already know I'm not buying it. The price tag simply isn't justified. I did, however, just today re-download it so I could play it for a bit while I wait for Cyberpunk. It's like, do I buy a full game from a developer that I trust to give a good experience for $60, or do I pay $50 for a dlc for a game I already know is ripping me off because it's been doing so from the beginning? Gee, let me think 😒😒😒

  5. If they didn't hold things back, just gave us all the content at once, I would pay $50 every six months or so. What I don't like is the drip feed. They should make two expansions a year and maybe go with a subscription model, I don't know. I'm just v totally against the drip feed, I don't even mind cut content but replace it.

  6. FINALLY!!!!!!! Someone else who is honest on the Bungie treatment towards users…….they could get proper revenue from making the base game paid/free, expansions free(as they are required and vaulted later on), and keep seasons as paid. It is the best way that they could keep the game alive and help themselves in their gains of capital.

  7. It's not just beyond light. It's most games in the industry. Most companies are trying to sell games that only offers content that equals less than 20 bucks. About a month ago the YouTuber angry Joe was making a debate about that particular topic. Example look at the new Avengers game the people who made the game confirmed that it's the same game that we were going to happen 2012 that was eventually canceled. How f*** up is that a company tries to sell a $60 game that is identical in every way to a 2012 game.

  8. My major problem with the expansion is the progression system. I loved the story I love the ending I love how our Guardian kicked f**** ass by being a light and dark heroic badass.
    I don't like the fact that Bungie pretty much nerfed the milestones. They removed so many milestones. Last season if you were under 1050 your Pinnacles dropped close + 8 your regular Milestones usually dropped always + 5
    Now all the Milestones only drop as + 4. Most people who are already max power the only did that by playing comp. Non-Stop and resetting it Non-Stop. They rarely touched the milestones.
    Also it doesn't make any sense why they would make a comp Milestone when last April Bungie announced that cheating in PvP has been increased by 50%..
    Also how much of a grind the campaign is … all the stuff I said is what most reviewers are saying about Beyond light.
    I mean of course if you looked at Destiny the game 2 days ago we got a new trailer that told us exactly when Crow the prince is going to come in our world. The trailer outlined the idea that there is a huge ass Hive Knight that wants a taste of stasis. Supposedly we are going to the Tangled Shore to help spider. He's going to take us on a series of quests to stop this Knight with the help of The Crow. If you look on your season pass you would see that there is a consumable called Recon data. It literally says bring this to Crow to increase your rep with him. Not to mention in the same trailer that's when they told us that's when exactly we will have access to get hawkmoon. Just say what I told most people let's see what happens on the 17th if we don't get any good content that is going to help us to level up we should just leave like we did for season of the Worthy. Not to mention there are even 10 triumphs that are connected to a location called Eclipse Zone which is nowhere in the game. Such as there's a Triumph called stasis Warrior that gives you the emblem called salvation downfall what you do is you have to kill combatants in the eclipse Zone. A lot of this stuff like about the crow and about the eclipse Zone nobody YouTuber wise are talking about it people are more focused on using glitches to level up like a bunch of two-year-olds

  9. I came back after 2 years and I was doing the same thing like last time. Killing the same mobs over and over again to complete quest and some of the planets where taken away. So I paid for less to get something new?

  10. It’s amazing how many people disliked this video, he’s spitting straight facts, but hey if people wanna waste there money that’s there problem I’ll spend my money on games worth my time. I’m not saying destiny’s a bad game, I’ve played it since destiny 1s launch, and I know that they lack the man power, but that in no way justifies the price tag

  11. Why so many dislikes, this guy is spitting facts! And no don’t use seasons or Bungie being on their own as a crutch. Look at Rise of Iron, it was made by a B team in a rush while the A team was working on Destiny 2. Look how much that dlc had and look how much Destiny 2 has as a whole.

    Hell, D1 in its entirety was made solely by Bungie. What I think is that they just aren’t interested in Destiny anymore. The quest for Khvostov had more love put into it than Beyond Light, that’s how little there is now.

  12. So many fanboys decided to ride on Destiny's dick for this bro and that's why you had so many dislikes. It shows when people are coming back and confirming what you've been saying after playing the expansion themselves. I'm glad that I didn't buy it and listened to you, and my friends did as well

  13. Also I want to mention that destiny 2 was at the start of the game was trash there was less content and here we are with more content bungie doesn’t have a lot of help with Activison like destiny 1 or taking king or rise of iron bungie has screwed up there game with destiny 2

  14. delusional destiny cheerleaders like those 1000 dislikers are the reason why D2 is in the state it's in now d2 cheerleaders don't call bungie out on their BS they just pull out those pom poms and glorify them dropping lackluster content such as beyond light fanboys like them is the reason why we can't have the destiny we deserve you keep allowing bungie to screw us all with no Vaseline you'd rather no constructive criticism of the game and bad content vs constructive criticism of the game and better content


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