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Our Beyond Light Weapons and Armor Trailer dropped this morning, revealing exotic perks and even a new exotic catalyst. Today we’ll be giving these Beyond Light New Exotics a breakdown and go over each of these new exotics individually.
00:00 Intro
00:16 Trailer Replay
02:02 Breakdown Begins
02:51 No time to Explain
03:47 Cloudstrike
05:01 The Lament
06:12 Icefall Mantle
07:19 Mask of Bakris
08:42 Athrys’s Embrace
09:53 Dawn Chorus
10:51 Necrotic Grip
11:48 Precious Scars
12:45 Salvation’s Grip
14:21 No Time to Explain Exotic Catalyst
14:43 Outro and Thank You for Watching!
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00:00 Intro
00:16 Trailer Replay
02:02 Breakdown Begins
02:51 No time to Explain
03:47 Cloudstrike
05:01 The Lament
06:12 Icefall Mantle
07:19 Mask of Bakris
08:42 Athrys’s Embrace
09:53 Dawn Chorus
10:51 Necrotic Grip
11:48 Precious Scars
12:45 Salvation’s Grip
14:21 No Time to Explain Exotic Catalyst
14:43 Outro and Thank You for Watching!
Bakris + 100 mobility ,nice spam and if stacks with pussy invisibility ? Nicer.
if your gonna lose your shit with the hunters might as well join them instead of complaining about them
The weapons are wack as fucck. The hunter helmet is lit .
They really need to bring the ice breaker back please !!!!
The new exotic pulse rifle design reminds me of The Strangers Rifle you get in Destiny 1
Ah yes, again no Hunter exotics that are useful in PvE.
Just watched the trailer and I think I'll come back after 7 months of not playing D2
a alternate timeline !?!?!?!
Is that a God damn 40k chainsword
Edit: yes, yes it is
not gonna lie everything look like they are gonna be broken in pvp
Gotta say, all of these exotics are reeeally sick looking, and they all have their own niche. Great job from Bungie imo.
Isn't necrotic grip just an objectively stronger Felwinter's Helm?
Holy hell i peed a little when you said " wanna look like sid"
Precious scars…. Hildryn from warframe
Okay Aztec, I know you don't like hunters, but the number of times I've been killed while dodging in crucible probably exceeds most of the other kinds of ways I've been killed. It's like bullet magnetism for precision hits gets ramped up to times 5 while in the middle of the dodge animation, rather than making a hunter harder to hit. Having an actual evasion method sounds fair considering titans are getting an instant 3rd healthbar every time they get their class ability back up.
Bakris isn't broken hell hunters had shift in ds1
So hunters can blink now
…what if we could equip full set of Exotics (arm only and/or 2 wep) for at least PvE…I think it would be so much fun to combo some exotic perks together and just shed through everything (maybe buff ads if nessasery) like think about it…sunbraces…Prometheian spure…WOSD…-insert good warlock helm-…sounds like a good time to me…((I haven't tried the other character exotics yet to have a good opinion on what you would run but let me know what you'd do 😕))
Mam I can't wait to get my no time to explain gonna be sick b I'm so looking forward to beyond light b live the wintry atmosphere gonna be sweet one more week
these exotics looks dope
That titanfall 2 hunter ability lol
Y’all already know yo boy pre ordered that sexy sweet juicy dlc so much hype babyyyyy
This is-what- the third overshielding Titan exotic?
I doubt No Time To Explain will be the season-pass exotic, beeeecuse, you get it if you pre-order the deluxe edition (which I have). Why would they give the deluxe owners a season-pass weapon?
that overshield is gonna be so toxic i can already see it LMAO
they bring back NTTE but not Icebreaker…zzzzzzZZZzz
No Time is the preorder bonus weapon, I'd be disappointed if I did that for just the emblem, ghost, and emote.
I just want Icefall Mantle for that
A e s t h e t i c
Such a good exotic for titans. The amount of time someone just shotguns me thro my shield is bullshit.
"You wanna look like Sid?"
I have 1 engram, it better be the titan gauntlets
Haha hunter have shift and titan cry
PvP is going to be annoying as hell with all of these new abilities.
Shotguns in this game can go to hell though. The hunter dodges don’t dodge shit in this game though! How the hell is a warlock gonna have Icarus dash and move farther and faster than a hunter that rolls left or right?! It’s bullshit dude.
???? Did he mean exotic sniper in crucible cause if not whisper and darci both want a word.
So hyped for the hunter helmet And arms I have 2 exotic engrams in season pass just for these!