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Destiny 2 Beyond Light – Season of the Hunt Battle Pass All Rewards Quick Preview / Seasonal Rewards Preview Season 12. Just a very quick video showing all 100 levels of rewards that are obtainable in Season of the Worthy. This is purely a quick showing the ranks and rewards, not previews of each individual item.
PC setup:
MSI MPG Z490 Mobo, i9-10900k CPU, RTX 2080 Super GPU, 64GB DDR4 3200 C16 Ram, 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, 8TB HDD
Keybindings can be seen here:
Thank you so much for your support!
Why didnt you show the season armor and ornement? I can't wait to my ps4 to download!!…
Damn you gotta let me finish the first vid 😂
Thanks again for not talking we don’t like annoying streamers around here
interesting. didn't see a season artifact.
Hope they've updated shaders
777 views nice
Can we see if there’s any random drop exotics
That Argus looks really interesting.
Only 3 more hours for my game to finish updating
I can't wait to get that Shotgun
Anyone else’s season pass not there? I ordered the deluxe edition and it’s saying I don’t have it
No exotic cypher?
I guess this is Bungie's plan ever since Destiny 2 came out forever expansion YouTubers get to login first and then everybody else has to wait because there's over a thousand people on Twitter reporting that they can't even get online. Not to mention Bungie made a post an hour ago that they are currently investigating a issue where players are unable to log in and play the game. not to mention the same issue happened constantly yesterday during the event people constantly got chicken and weasel error codes some people couldn't even do the event
Duality? Hmm… it seems a weapon with impressive firepower. I'm on it! Adieu, Lord of Wolves!
I can't even log in the game and people are already reviewing the season pass. Bungie, WTF?
I paid 90$ to wait and do nothing. Incompetent Bungie. For that price, I expect to play. You don’t seem to have that problem, of course not, you’re a YouTuber. BS.
guys i have a problem, i bought Beyond light deluxe edition whit the season pass but i don't have activated the season pass. what can i do?
Did you solo the raid already dude?
damn. it really is a new era when Esoterickk doesnt end the video by shooting himself with mountaintop.
Is the No time to explain pulse rifle worth getting?
Let me guess, when the season ends I won’t be able to get the ornaments. Great….
Do you get boththe free and the paid items ifyou buy the season pass? Or just the pass items?
Spinmetal leaves ♥
So whos testing out 120 hand cannons?
Anyone know the new catalysts?
I’m only gonna buy a pass is the weapon is a hand cannon
This dudes a crook
When you can't play the new season cuz the game is full…
Can you not buy tiers this season?
Those armor rolls are just meh.
Anyone know if you don't preorder if you can still get the no time to explain? Or of you get the standard edition?
Glad I didn't buy beyond light. Not so glad I didn't get the content that they removed done.
Since I bought deluxe version of Beyond Light, I get the battle passes for free right?
I preordered the £43 bundle but I didn’t get the season pass?
Omg I’m so excited for this said ever male that’s never touched a girl
is it allowing anyone else to buy levels in the season pass?
Can you still buy season pass ranks?
how do you open the engram for level 7