Arbalest Needs A NERF (Bungie Pls) Destiny 2 Beyond Light

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Console Trials players, you have suffered enough
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29 thoughts on “Arbalest Needs A NERF (Bungie Pls) Destiny 2 Beyond Light”

  1. The reason you ran into so many Arbalest is due to the sniper nerf.. it hurt console players much more than pc.. The arbalest was not wrecking the crucible it was always an amazing gun but snipers could counter it.. now not so much.. good to see streamers and tubers talking about actual console meta instead of controller on pc

  2. Thanks for your point on streamers and tubers and their power.. the meta in every video has been pc and controller users on pc not the console meta and we’re like 66% of the player base

  3. We got in a trials match last season and we were massacred by this thing and gnawing hunger. One match later, we got the same dudes again, but they played revoker and sidearms instead. They got their behind handed to them 0:3 with zero kills on us, switched back to Arbalest and we lost 5:3 due to the nearly auto-aim of this thing. It’s ridiculous. The sniper nerf meant an indirect buff for this thing, so it’s (relatively speaking) stronger than ever. This thing is simply way too forgiving.

  4. LFRs are so bizarre. Heavy LFRs are almost useless in the heavy slot, even exotics. The only one that's worth a damn is Arbelest, and that's because it's not a heavy. I think the entire gun type needs a re-work.

  5. @shiek you might have to go back in the content loop. But I think I remember that they buff aim assist on Liniar fusions around the pinical crusible heavy. And then they qbreaker had a over buff they of aim assist and they adjusted it but arbrilst did also and they didn’t do anything about it

  6. To my fellow guardians during this past weekends Trials… I have nightmares running against Arbalest teams on Banner Fall. With thr nerfs to snipers unless you're 50 plus meters out, its infinitely better. Its hitbox and flinch needs to be toned down


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