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Destiny 2 Beyond Light – All Osiris & Mara Sov Tower Communications / Audio Recordings in Zavala’s Office. Something a little different to the usual videos for today. This is all of the recordings you can listen to in Zavala’s office that come from Osiris and one from Mara Sov. They’ve been around for a while now so they’re not exactly new. I’ve heard the odd one here and there, but they’re something I’ve never listened to all of them until today. I figured some people might be in the same boat, and to give them an easy way to listen themselves.
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destiny 2,destiny 2 beyond light,osiris,mara sov,tower communications,zavala office,recordings,sagira,hive,spider,dreaming city,
Something a little different to the usual videos for today. This is all of the recordings you can listen to in Zavala's office that come from Osiris and one from Mara Sov. They've been around for a while now so they're not exactly new. I've heard the odd one here and there, but they're something I've never listened to all of them until today. I figured some people might be in the same boat, and to give them an easy way to listen themselves.
If u don't know this was released way back when season of the hunt started even mara's dialogue, and now i'm here hoping there was more from the Queen of the reef.
These were ridiculously quiet on my console. I play with headphones, and wasn’t able to boost the audio volume for these.
Never thought I'd hear Mara scared
Next season is “chosen” right? So chosen guardian as in crow or somebody else.
That robot on the side is teasing me with that twilight garrison 🙁
So Osiris and Saint-14 are lovers??? Wow….. that’s……. wow
A horror destiny 2 expansion would be amazing…. the way osiris describes the planets gives me a horror vibe
9 января, и 10 ноября….
"Unsurprisingly, Petra is still useless."
Is this new?
Damn Calus has a daughter??
You listen to Osiris and it's like yes dude, we get it.
Mara says "I will come back to finish it" and because her VA is so damned into this role, you know Mara is gonna be back for Witch Queen and she's gonna mess shit up with us.
So in the future mara sov might be a faction?
Weird question, but does anyone know what the 2 blue glowing balls in the Cosmodrome are? My Daughter found them a few days ago, and couldn't do anything with them. I tried to find them on my account to see if I could do anything with them, or screen shot them, but they were not there. I checked Reddit, but there was nothing there. They look like blue Versions of Toland
The pauses…. in ….. between…. words…………. gets………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..annoying.
damn i needed this, i got weaseled while listening to those and couldn't bring myself to play it all over again
Yeah I listened to them and there is so much cool lore. Wonder how Mara will react to one particular new guardian
Is this a message?
Not gonna lie, me showing up to help osiris with the sagira shell equipped made me feel some type of way.
The fact that Mara Sovs VA is included at all in this season gives me hope that these remaining 7 weeks will reveal something
Plus the Queen is included in the into of the DLC,That can’t be a coincidence that they’d just throw her in for whatever reason
"Send the young wolf"
I don't know why, but that gave me chills.
Wow I did not even know you can go back there to hear more
This is a thing?! When tf did they hint at this?!
Thanks for this bruh
There's also a kitty on a shelf to the right of where Eso is in this video. If you walk over you can hear it purring.
I wish Destiny 1 was on pc so bad. I have it on my ps4 but I just cant go back to that field of view its so bad it hurts my eyes. But im dying to play through it again and do wrath of the machine and solo crotas end and to use all my old favorite weapons etc. The nolstagia would be so incredible as Destiny 1 was the game that got me back into gaming after years away from gaming. I wish we could all gather and do some group events and raids on D1 even if it was just 1 month per year where we all return and populate the game for a short period. I wonder if their is still a decent amount of people playing it still? The crucible was amazing and in my opinion better than D2 by far. I miss my 4 round max range lucky lingering song so much!
Why is Osiris doing all of this from the bazaar?
Where has mara disappeared to?
Osiris: "Mercury is gone."
Flawless players: …goes to Mercury.
The majority of the player base probably doesn't even know you can interact with the console down in Zavala's office. If, or probably when Calus' daughter shows up, people are gonna be like "wtf, Calus has a daughter?"
I think it's better to have some lore read out loud like this rather than burying it in lore cards. But it doesn't matter all that much if it his hidden away in a part of the Tower you have absolutely no reason to visit. Good thing someone uploaded it to YouTube so more people can discover it
The Black Fleet wants to punish Savathun
Yo uh, could you give me Mara’s number? Thanks
Most of the voice acting in Destiny is excellent, except for the exo stranger, who managed to make this the season of the dreary bitch.
So it seems we(actually i) should have listened every dialogue before going to seasonal mission it became like zavala sent you to osiris, everthing happened then u found old records of him
These pieces of dialogue are sick. I love listening to this, I want more guardian!
Will crow have any memory of Mara? I imagine savathuns song will awake a monster in crow that the ahmkara planted. He will betray and try to kill us all.
Osiris sounds, well…, normal at 1.5 playback speed.
Osiris calling Petra useless is such a casual burn, clearly he's still a dawnblade
My Queen 😭❤
I hope the message regarding the witch queens punishment/her own court now knowing where she is
Savathûn will be waiting.
Fuckin Osiris runs around more than people with full time jobs! "I'm goin to Saturn", on my way to earth, goin back to the reef, to the dreaming city, to the moon, now back to spider" etc.