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There are 5 Exo Stranger Data Pads within the Deep Stone Crypt Raid that you’ll need to collect for the Rock Bottom Triumph for the Descendant Title as well as for Exotic Raid Ghost “No Love Lost.”
MY DISCORD SERVER (It’s super chill and I’m extremely active in it!)
0:00 – Intro
0:08 – Data Pad #1 – After pikes, before first encounter “Crypt Security”
0:46 – Data Pad #2 – After first encounter, before second encounter “Atraks-1”
1:12 – Data Pad #3 – In the space section after second encounter, after defeating the two Dark Council Fallen Captains
1:13 – Data Pad #4 – In the space section right before you encounter the Brigs
2:29 – Data Pad #5 – After the space section, right before entering the third encounter “Taniks Reborn”
➤ More Guides for All of Destiny 2 Beyond Light:
➤ Guides for the Descendant Title:
➤ Guides for the Splintered Title:
#Destiny2BeyondLight #DeepStoneCrypt #DataPadLocations #ExoStranger #RaidGhostShell
How are you so fast?
This will always and forever be the BEST channel for collectibles!
So much depth added to the Exo Stranger
Great YouTube and Destiny Creator. Love my dude. Just “Wow”
thank you!
Woop! That was an intense day 1! Good luck with getting your ghosts everyone! (I’m the solstice in the video leading everyone to the pads)
Bungie really needs to stop locking these collectables behind raids! Not everyone gets to do the damn things! This is one of the many things that makes me want to quit the game!
Anyways, thanks for the video! You're the most helpful Youtuber that covers this game. You're awesome! 👍👍
Short video, I love it
I just wanted to hear the voice lines again, so thanks for this presentation with clean audio!
Thanks for the video!
Just wanted to point out real quick that there's a small error with the annotations on the time bar that divide the video into specific sections for each data pad, you appear to have forgotten to add an annotation for Data Pad #3 so the annotation for Data Pad #4 encompasses both Datapad #3 and #4.
Excellent, easy to understand, to the point guide.
The lore for that Ghost Shell must be heartbreaking. Hope I can read it eventually. Thanks for the upload. You are truly a Descendant (Descentdant?)
Thanks dude!! Doing it tonight with my friends, thought itll be hard to replace my rimed ghost ;-;
Do these all have to be gotten in one go or can I get them in multiple raids or encounters over time ?
I just came here to listen to the voice lines cause my raid team doesn't know how to stfu
Picking up the 4th data pad was literally the most emotional and sad moment I've had in this game…I almost cried mam
You missed 3d
So this is Tangled Shore
Al right thanks to you i now know where are the two last one that i missed completly forget those one on my run urly this week
your chapters are set up wrong in the description, time stamp for datapad 4 should be 1:39